31 October 2009

New Resources on Statelessness

The latest issue of The Researcher (vol. 4, no. 3, Oct. 2009) leads with an article entitled "Statelessness: An Overview of the Legal Issues." It provides a general overview of the issue, and ends with a discussion of the types of statelessness cases that could arise in Ireland.

Also newly available is "Protection of Stateless Persons in International Asylum and Refugee Law," an advance access article that will eventually be published in an upcoming issue of the International Journal of Refugee Law (IJRL).

This interactive map profiles various stateless populations and their locations. (Check out the other posts provided by the "Stateless to Statehood" project.)

Finally, the Open Society Institute (OSI) recently launched a campaign on statelessness to raise awareness and advocate for change.

[Photo credit: UNHCR/L. Gibbons]

Tagged Publications and Web Sites/Tools.

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