22 June 2011

More info. on events in June and July

I highlighted several meetings scheduled to take place just after World Refugee Day in an earlier post. At the time, only limited information was available, so I am re-referencing them so readers have a chance to review background papers on issues that will be discussed.

51st Meeting of EXCOM's Standing Committee, Geneva, 21-23 June 2011 [work programme]
- Visit ICVA for a list of documents under discussion; most are not yet available in full-text but they will eventually be posted on the UNHCR web site.

Expert Meeting on International Cooperation to Share Burden and Responsibilities, Amman, 27-28 June 2011 [concept note/draft agenda] [discussion paper]

UNHCR/NGO Consultations, Geneva, 28-30 June 2011 [info]
- Here is the final agenda, the theme of which is "60 Years of Partnerships: The Road Ahead." In addition, background papers for the thematic and regional sessions have now been posted, along with information on two side events (Distance Learning and Strengthening National RSD Systems). Some of the issues to be addressed during the thematic sessions include statelessness among children, urban refugees, resettlement as a protection tool, UNHCR's regional dialogues with women and girls, housing/land/property rights, durable solutions for IDPs, Sudan, and detention.

In addition, some new information on IASFM13, which will be held in Kampala, 3-6 July 2011: A draft programme is now available .xls format. The programme lists all the panels and notes presenters for each. Titles of specific presentations can be located here.

[Photo credit: UNHCR/NGO Consultations, 2010]

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