27 January 2016

News: HRW World Report 2016 Published

Human Rights Watch has published its annual human rights review, World Report 2016.  The 26th edition "summarizes key human rights issues in more than 90 countries and territories worldwide. It reflects investigative work that Human Rights Watch staff undertook in 2015, usually in close partnership with human rights activists in the country in focus."

The introductory essay opens with the following paragraph:

"Fear stood behind many of the big human rights developments of the past year. Fear of being killed or tortured in Syria and other zones of conflict and repression drove millions from their homes. Fear of what an influx of asylum seekers could mean for their societies led many governments in Europe and elsewhere to close the gates. Fear of mounting terrorist attacks moved some political leaders to curtail rights and scapegoat refugees or Muslims. And fear of their people holding them to account led various autocrats to pursue an unprecedented global crackdown on the ability of those people to band together and make their voices heard."

Readers can download the entire report or browse by individual country. Three thematic essays are also included; these focus on children in detention, child marriage and legal recognition of transgender people.

Previous editions of the World Report can be found here.

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