
07 March 2012

ICVA's 50th

(The International Council on Voluntary Agencies (ICVA) turned 50 on 6 March 2012. The note below was extracted from a message circulated on the ICVA-list yesterday and is reproduced here with permission.)

ICVA was formed on this day 50 years ago when three NGO networks came together to create what has become the global NGO alliance for humanitarian advocacy. Over the years, ICVA has gone through many ups and downs, but has continued to serve the needs of its NGO members. If
you have not yet seen the short history of ICVA, we would like to invite you to take a read of this informative - and entertaining - look back at ICVA's origins and past: "ICVA at Forty-Something: The Life and Times of a Middle-Aged NGO Consortium."

While the focus of ICVA has changed over the years to where it is now, the fundamental goal of helping those in need has not changed. ICVA would not be where it is today without your support and engagement so we would also like to thank you, as members and partners, as we turn 50.

We would like to invite those of you who will be in Geneva on Monday, 19 March 2012 to a reception to mark ICVA's 50 years following ICVA's annual Conference. The reception, with a guest speaker, will take place:

on Monday, 19 March 2012
from 17:30 onwards
at the CICG (International Conference Centre)
17 rue de Varembe, Geneva

We hope that you will join us on 19 March 2012 to toast ICVA's 50 years and would be grateful if you could RSVP to by 15 March 2012.

Throughout 2012, we will be marking 50 years of ICVA's work and that of its members, including with the launch of a new website. Please continue to follow and support us as we move into the next 50 years.

Tagged Publications and Events & Opportunities.

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