
25 October 2012

Focus: UK

Asylum Conditions in Italy Not Severe Enough to Prevent Removal of Refugees from the UK (UK Human Rights Blog, Oct. 2012) [text]
- Discusses the case "EM (Eritrea) and others v Secretary of State for the Home Department."

Research Note: Immigration and Asylum Services (Legal Services Consumer Panel, Oct. 2012) [text]

Study of Afghan Children Seeking Asylum in the UK (Univ. of Oxford, Oct. 2012) [text]
- Provides brief overview of findings reported in "PTSD in Asylum-Seeking Male Adolescents from Afghanistan."

The Truth about Asylum (Refugee Council, Oct. 2012) [text]
- Guide to the facts about asylum-seekers and refugees.

Whither Refugee Protection in the Changes to the Canadian and British Asylum Systems? Presentation to RLI Seminar, 17 Oct. 2012 [text]

Why UK Asylum Advocacy Should Take Citizens’ Complaints Seriously, RSC Working Paper, no. 84 (RSC, Oct. 2012) [text]

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