
02 November 2012

Seventh Anniversary!

This blog has been active now for seven years!  Time flies... .  I last "celebrated" a birthday in this post from 2009.  As I announced earlier in the week, I am commemorating this anniversary with the launch of a new books feature in the form of a Pinterest page.  Previously, I highlighted recent titles in the sidebar of the blog, but I think incorporating the visual element is appealing and useful for browsing purposes.  (The sidebar listings for new journal articles and legal items will remain.)  Using Pinterest also opens up many more possibilities for showcasing other types of books: reference, legal, kids, favorites, etc.

Other plans for the blog include (1) highlighting forced migration-related apps for mobile devices; (2) updating the web research guides on IDPs, refugees and stateless people that are accessible via the tabs at the top of each blog page; and (3) general maintenance like checking links in the FAQ and finding a better site search solution since the current search feature does not appear to retrieve relevant results consistently.

In early September I asked for some feedback regarding posting references based on relevance or currency.  From the responses I received, it seems that the former approach is preferred, that is, posting references that are grouped (loosely) around a common theme or geographic region.  I have also had suggestions for (1) tracking more multimedia, which I do already but can incorporate more regularly into thematic posts, and (2) compiling posts that include resources with opposing views on hotly debated topics, to underline the inherently political nature of this subject area.  Sounds like something that would require a bit more time to pull off, so for now, food for thought!  But please do continue to submit ideas and feedback.  If the right web application is available to help, then some things are pretty easy to implement!

In the meantime, don't forget to take advantage of these other information services that I have developed:

[Photo credit: Melanie Hughes' photostream on Flickr]

Tagged Web Sites/Tools.

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