
06 December 2012

Focus: Migrants in North Africa

Today, Jesuit Refugee Service Europe launched "Lives in Transition," a report which highlights the plight of migrants in Morocco and Algeria whose rights are frequently abused "largely because the European Union too often looks the other way."

Other recent publications that focus on the treatment of migrants in North Africa include:

"African Migrants in Morocco Tell of Abuse," New York Times, 28 Nov. 2012 [text]

"The Externalization of the EU's Southern Border in Light of the EU/Libya Framework Agreement: A Lawful Alternative or a Neo-Refoulement Strategy?," Vienna Journal on International Constitutional Law, vol. 6, no. 1 (2012) [full-text]

Libya: The Hounding of Migrants Must Stop (FIDH, JSFM & Migreurop, Oct. 2012) [text]

"Libya and International Refugee and Asylum Law: Addressing the Protection of Refugees and Migrants Displaced by the 2011 Conflict," Oxford Monitor of Forced Migration, vol. 2, no. 2 (Nov. 2012) [full-text]

"Libya’s Migrant Workers Still Targeted After the Revolution," Newsweek, 3 Dec. 2012 [text]

Treatment of Sub-Saharan Migrants in Morocco (ImmigrationProf Blog, Nov. 2012) [text]

Tagged Publications. 

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