
18 September 2013

Thematic Focus: Human Trafficking


"Journal of Law & Social Policy, vol. 8, no. 2 (2013) [full-text]
The Asylum Claim for Victims of Attempted Trafficking,"

Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Measures for the Integration of Trafficked Persons (IOM, 2013) [text]

"From the Horn of Africa to the Middle East: Human Trafficking of Eritrean Asylum Seekers across Borders," Anti-Trafficking Review, no. 2 (Sept. 2013) [open access text]

"Human Trafficking, Asylum and the Problem of Protection," Chapter 13 in The Ashgate Research Companion to Migration Law, Theory and Policy (Ashgate, March 2013) [info] [Google preview]
- Note: The author recently gave a lecture on this subject at Griffith University in Australia.

"Risk Factors for Mental Disorders in Women Survivors of Human Trafficking: A Historical Cohort Study," BMC Psychiatry, 13:204 (Aug. 2013) [open access text]

Seventh Circuit Victory Advances Gender-Based Asylum (Center for Gender & Refugee Studies, Aug. 2013) [text]
- Reports on a decision holding "that gender may define a particular social group, and recognizes that women fleeing sex trafficking may be eligible for asylum based on membership in such a group."

"A Sex Trafficking Victory that Shows Just How Broken the System is," New Republic, 29 Aug. 2013 [text]

New project:

NO TRATTA –National Observatory on Trafficking among Refugees and Asylum Seekers; Training, Tools and Awareness, Cittalia-Fondazione Anci Ricerche, Rome [info]
- See also info in Italian.

Tagged Publications.

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