
02 October 2013

Thematic Focus: Humanitarian Assistance

Cooperation from Crisis? Regional Responses to Humanitarian Emergencies (International Peace Institute, Sept. 2013) [text]

The End of CIDA and AusAID: The Disconcerting Demise of Aid Agencies (Lugar Center Blog, Oct. 2013) [text]

Humanitarian Futures (IRIN, Sept. 2013) [access]
- New "In-depth" feature from IRIN, with interviews, news stories, and infographics.

Humanitarian Policy Group Annual Report 2012-2013 (ODI, Sept. 2013) [access]
- In this "first interactive annual report from the Humanitarian Policy Group (HPG),'ll be able to hear - and view - our researchers talking about their work, access our publications and learn about achievements from the past year."

A Networked Response? Effective Humanitarian Networks, London, 20 Sept. 2013 [access]
- Follow link for video of the event.

Placing Protection at the Centre of Humanitarian Action: Study on Protection Funding in Complex Humanitarian Emergencies (Global Protection Cluster, Sept. 2013) [text via ReliefWeb]

Tagged Publications.

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