
29 April 2014

Regional Focus: Syria


FY 2014 Funding Opportunity Announcement for NGO Programs Benefiting Refugees and Other Vulnerable Populations in Turkey, Jordan, Lebanon, Iraq, and Egypt, and Iraqi Refugees in Syria [info]
- Proposal submission deadline is 16 May 2014.


Addressing Protection Needs in Syria: Overlooked, Difficult, Impossible?, HPG Policy Brief, no. 57 (ODI, April 2014) [text]

Advancing Adolescence: Getting Syrian Refugee and Host-community Adolescents Back on Track (Mercy Corps, April 2014) [text]

Joint Statement by Heads of UN Humanitarian Agencies on Syria (UNHCR et al., April 2014) [text]

Lives Unseen: Urban Syrian Refugees and Jordanian Host Communities Three Years into the Syria Crisis (CARE International, April 2014) [text]

Mapping the Education Response to the Syrian Crisis (INEE, Feb. 2014) [text via ReliefWeb]

"Northern Exodus: How Turkey can Integrate Syrian Refugees," Foreign Affairs, 15 April 2014 [text]

Potential Cross-Border Assistance from Turkey to Syria (ACAPS, April 2014) [text via ReliefWeb]

Regional Differences in the Conditions of Syrian Refugees in Lebanon (Lebanon Support, April 2014) [text via ReliefWeb]

The Role of Municipalities in the Syria Refugee Crisis (Mercy Corps, March 2014) [access]
- Follow link for various resources in English and Arabic.

This is Jordan’s Newest and Biggest Refugee Camp for Syrians Still Fleeing the War (BuzzFeed, April 2014) [access]
- Photo essay.

The Turning Tide in Egypt (RI Blog, April 2014) [text]

'We just keep silent': Gender-based Violence amongst Syrian Refugees in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq (UN Women, April 2014) [text via ReliefWeb]

Related post:
- Regional Focus: Syria (4 April 2014)

Tagged Publications and Events & Opportunities. 

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