
08 October 2015

Regional Focus: Asia

[Asylum-seekers in Japan]
- "Japan's Role in the Refugee Crisis," The Diplomat, 11 Sept. 2015 [text]
- Open Wallet, Closed Doors: Exploring Japan’s Low Acceptance of Asylum Seekers (Migration Information Source, Oct. 2015) [text]
- Syrian Asylum Seekers Face Difficulties in Japan (RefLaw Blog, Oct. 2015) [text]

Community Resilience and Disaster-related Displacement in South Asia (Norwegian Refugee Council, April 2015; launched Sept. 2015) [text via Praxis Labs]

Dialogue on Protection at Sea and Statelessness in Asia (ICVA, Sept. 2015) [text]

Forced Displacements and Destroyed Lives around Upper Paunglaung Dam in Shan State, Myanmar (Physicians for Human Rights, Oct. 2015) [text via ReliefWeb]

High-Level Segment of the 66th Session of the Executive Committee of the High Commissioner's Programme on the Afghan Refugee Situation, Geneva, 6 Oct. 2015
- See statements by the High Commissioner and NGOs and related press release.

Joint ICVA/UNHCR Regional Structured Dialogue Consultation, Bangkok, 22 Sept. 2015 [text]

Migration: The Clock is Ticking in Asia Too (openDemocracy, Sept. 2015) [text]

[Rohingya Refugees]
- Full Circle with the Rohingya (RI Blog, Sept. 2015) [text]
- "How to Solve Southeast Asia’s Refugee Crisis," The Diplomat, 28 Sept. 2015 [text]
- "The Rohingya: Humanitarian Crisis or Security Threat?," The Diplomat, 6 Oct. 2015 [text]


Country Briefings for Australia and New Zealand (APRRN, Sept. 2015) [access]
- "The country briefings summarise key issues of concern but also highlight practical steps governments can take to address protection concerns."  Countries covered include Indonesia, Malaysia, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, & Thailand.

Related post:
- Regional Focus: Asia Pacific (11 Sept. 2015)

Tagged Publications.

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