
21 December 2017

Thematic Focus: Statelessness


PhD Scholarship, Peter McMullin Centre on Statelessness [info]
- The window for submitting applications is open until 19 February 2018.

Statelessness Summer Course, Tilburg, Neth. 30 July-3 August 2018 [info]
- Submit applications by 15 March 2018.


Arbitrary Deprivation of Citizenship (Amnesty International, Dec. 2017) [text]
- From a seminar held in London on 31 October 2016.

*Birth Registration and Statelessness (European Network on Statelessness, Nov. 2017) [infographic re. Refworld]

*ENS Statement to Bulgaria’s Presidency of the European Union on Addressing Statelessness in Europe (European Network on Statelessness, Dec. 2017) [text]

Good Practices Paper (Action 7): Ensuring Birth Registration for the Prevention of Statelessness (UNHCR, Nov. 2017) [text]

Mapping Statelessness in Estonia (UNHCR, 2016) [text]

Mobilising to Address Statelessness in the Netherlands (ENS Blog, Nov. 2017) [text]

The Obligation to Grant Nationality to Stateless Children under Customary International Law (SSRN, Nov. 2017) [text]

Statelessness and the Rohingya Crisis (UNHCR, Nov. 2017) [text]

Statelessness in a State? (SSRN, Nov. 2017) [text]
- Focuses on the Makonde community in Kenya.

Statelessness in Sweden and the Case of Unreturnable Moroccan "Street Children" Left at Risk of Statelessness (ENS Blog, Nov. 2017) [text]

Statelessness Working Papers (Institute on Statelessness and Inclusion, Dec. 2017) [access]
- Five new papers are now available and address such topics as cross-border gestational surrogacy in Japan, stateless children in Australia, deprivation of nationality in the Netherlands, statelessness determination in Europe, and addressing statelessness in Malaysia.

Typology of Stateless Persons in Japan (Study Group on Statelessness in Japan, Dec. 2017) [text via UNHCR]


Related post:
- Thematic Focus: Statelessness (6 Nov. 2017)

Tagged Publications and Events & Opportunities.

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