
10 September 2018

Regional Focus: Syria

*8 Years into Exile: How Urban Syrian Refugees, Non-Syrian Refugees and Vulnerable Host Communities in Jordan are Coping and Meeting Challenges (CARE, Aug. 2018) [text via ReliefWeb]
- See also related press release.

Assad Needs the U.N.’s Help for Refugees to Return Safely (Refugees Deeply, Aug. 2018) [text]

"Conflict and Migration in the Middle East: Syrian Refugees in Jordan and Lebanon," Chapter 7 in Critical Perspectives on Migration in the Twenty-First Century (E-International Relations, Aug. 2018) [open access]
- Scroll to p. 113.

*Funding Shortfall Risks Critical Humanitarian Response for Syrian Refugees, Internally Displaced (UNHCR, Sept. 2018) [text]

Idlib Briefing: “Humanitarian Catastrophe” Feared as Syria War Reaches Final Rebel Stronghold (IRIN, Sept. 2018) [text]
- See also related aid agencies' statement.

The Idlib Offensive Could Create a Major Refugee Outflow—What Should Turkey Do? (Order from Chaos Blog, Sept. 2018) [text]

Investing in Syria’s Future through Local Groups (Refugees International, Aug. 2018) [text via ReliefWeb]

Is There Protection in the Region? Leveraging Funds and Political Capital in Lebanon’s Refugee Crisis (Clingendael, July 2018) [text]
- See also related Refugees Deeply commentary, posted 4 Sept. 2018.

Jordan: Multi-Purpose Cash Assistance 2018 - Mid-Year Post Distribution Monitoring Report for Refugees and Asylum Seekers (UNHCR, Aug. 2018) [text via ReliefWeb]

"Northwest Syria: No Room to ‘Reconcile’," Small Wars Journal, 12 Aug. 2018 [text]

*"Partners under Pressure: Humanitarian Action for the Syria Crisis," Disasters, Early View, 10 Sept. 2018 [free full-text]

Pressure to Return Builds on Syrian Refugees in Lebanon (IRIN, Aug. 2018) [text]

*Report of the Independent International Commission of Inquiry on the Syrian Arab Republic, UN Doc. No. A/HRC/39/65 (UN Human Rights Council, Aug. 2018) [text via ReliefWeb]

The Role of Shared Identity in Social Support among Refugees of Conflict: Case of Syrian Refugees in Middle East, Dissertation (Univ. of Sussex, 2018) [text]

Russian-US Repatriation Plan Not Supported by Syrian Refugees (Center for Migration Studies, Aug. 2018) [text]

"Social Accountability in Diaspora Organizations Aiding Syrian Migrants," International Migration, Early View, 21 Aug. 2018 [open access]

*Syrian Refugee Return: Are Conditions Favorable? (American Univ. of Beirut, Aug. 2018) [infographic]

Syrian Refugees: The Need for an Image Reboot (The Conversation, Aug. 2018) [text]

*"Thousands of Syrians Displaced as Threat of Idlib Attack Grows," The Guardian, 10 Sept. 2018 [text]

*UNHCR chief meets Lebanese officials after Three-country Syria Tour (UNHCR, Aug. 2018) [text]

The Untapped Resource: Protecting and Leveraging Refugee Social Capital in Protracted Displacement, CRU Policy Brief (Clingendael, July 2018) [text]

"'We ​can’t go back': Syria's Refugees Fear for Their Future after War," The Guardian, 30 Aug. 2018 [text]


Related post:
- Regional Focus: MENA, incl. Syria (10 Aug. 2018)

Tagged Publications.

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