
09 August 2021

Regional Focus: Europe - Pt. 2

Reports & journal articles (cont.): 

"Barriers towards Resilient Performance among Public Critical Infrastructure Organizations: The Refugee Influx Case of 2015 in Sweden," Infrastructures, vol. 6, no. 8 (July 2021) [open access]

Do-Gooders at the End of Aid: Scandinavian Humanitarianism in the Twenty-First Century (Cambridge University Press, July 2021) [open access]
- "This book highlights how the political culture of Scandinavia is indeed characterized by the idea of doing good on the world stage, but then shows how this 'Scandinavian humanitarian brand' is an asset that policymakers and others can capitalize on to legitimize policy interventions and ideas, or to advance commercial, diplomatic, and security interests."

"The exclusion of migrants and refugees from welfare programs in Austria: the 'legitimizing explanations' across different policy areas," International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, EarlyCite, 29 July 2021 [open access]

"The impact of partisan politics on migration policies: the case of healthcare provision for refugees by German states," Comparative Migration Studies, 9:39 (July 2021) [open access]

"Migration infrastructures and the production of migrants’ irregularity in Japan and the United Kingdom," Comparative Migration Studies, 9:31 (Aug. 2021) [open access]

"Origin and transit migration of Afghans and Syrians to Germany: The influential actors and factors behind the destination choice," International Migration, Early View, 13 July 2021 [open access]

"A qualitative exploration of post-migration stressors and psychosocial well-being in two asylum reception centres in Belgium," International Journal of Migration, Health and Social Care, EarlyCite, 1 Aug. 2021 [open access]

"What a Difference a Year Makes: Changes in Refugee Threat Perceptions in Flanders, Belgium," SAGE Open, 29 July 2021 [open access]

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