
31 August 2023

Round-up: OA Articles Published by Global South Authors (31 Aug. 2023)

This is a round-up of open access materials produced by authors based in the Global South (GS) and other geographic areas that are less well-represented in the domain of scholarly forced migration literature. Generally, articles are included if either the lead author or at least half of the co-authors are based in the GS. These references are organized by type of open access. The OA items herein were previously referenced on this blog as of 1 August 2023.

Bronze OA: 

"Gender and Forced Displacement in Humanitarian Policy Discourse: The Missing Link," Journal on Migration and Human Security, OnlineFirst, 2 Aug. 2023
- Authors (7) = Sri Lanka (lead), UK (2), Kurdistan-Iraq (1), Pakistan (2), No location indicated (1)

"Gender, Migration and Environment in the MENA: Vulnerabilities, Frameworks and Ways Forward," Journal of Migration Affairs, vol. V, nos. 1-2 (Sept. 22 & March 2023)
- Authors (2) = Lebanon (lead), Italy

Diamond OA:

"Access and Politics of Higher Education for Refugees: Comparative Contexts from Uganda and Ethiopia," African Journal of Teacher Education, vol. 12, no. 2 (2023)
- Authors (2) = South Africa (lead), Uganda

"The Closure of the Brazilian-Venezuelan Border during the COVID-19 Pandemic: International Law Analysis of Ordinance No. 120 of March 2020," Revista Direito e Práxis, vol. 14, no. 2 (April-June 2023)
- Authors (4) = Brazil

"Determinants of Return Migration Decision among Ethiopian International Returnees of Addis Ababa: Implications for Sustainable Livelihoods of Returnees," Journal of Identity and Migration Studies, vol. 17, no. 1 (2023)
- Authors (3) = Ethiopia

"Efficiency of the Settlement Influence by Settlement Patterns at the Zaatari Camp, Jordan," International Review for Spatial Planning and Sustainable Development D: Planning Assessment, vol. 11, no. 3 (2023)
- Authors (2) = Jordan

"Language Variances in Defining Young Women in Northern Uganda Humanitarian Settings," International Journal of Child, Youth and Family Studies, vol. 14, no. 2 (2023)
- Authors (2) = Uganda 

- Authors (4) = Colombia

Gold OA:

Note: Article processing charges (APCs) and other fees are indicated below; waivers are generally offered by gold OA journals but the waiver status of the authors listed below is unknown.

"'Africans, we know how to adapt indeed': Adaptations to Family Planning and Reproductive Health Services in Humanitarian Settings in Nigeria during the COVID-19 Pandemic," PLOS Global Public Health 3(7): e0002104 (July 2023) 
- Authors (12) = US (2, incl. lead), Cameroon (4), Nigeria (6)
- APC = USD 1931

"Anxiety among Central American Migrants in Mexico: A Cumulative Vulnerability," International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, vol. 20, no. 6 (March 2023)
- Authors (6) = Mexico (4, incl. lead), US (2)
- APC = CHF 2500

"Are We Seeing the Unseen of Human Trafficking? A Retrospective Analysis of the CTDC k-anonymized Global Victim of Trafficking Data Pool in the Period 2010–2020," PLoS ONE 18(4): e0284762 (April 2023)
- Authors (10) = Jordan (8, incl. lead), Saudi Arabia (1), Jordan/Sweden (1)
- APC = USD 1931

- Authors (5) = Ethiopia
- APC = USD 2990

"Incidence of Child Marriage among Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons in the Middle East and South Asia: Evidence from Six Cross-sectional Surveys," BMJ Open, vol. 13, no. 6 (June 2023)
- Authors (11) = US (5, incl. lead), UK/Yemen (1), Bangladesh (1), Lebanon (1), Kurdistan Region of Iraq (1), Djibouti (1), Nepal (1)
- APC = GBP 2060

"Postcolonial Lessons and Migration from Climate Change: Ongoing Injustice and Hope," npj Climate Action, 2:22 (Aug. 2023)
- Authors (4) = Fiji (3, incl. lead), Australia (1)
- APC = EUR 1060

"Rethinking Solutions for Protracted Refugee Situation: A Case Study of the Buduburam Refugee Camp Closure in Ghana," Scientific African, vol. 21 (Sept. 2023)
- Authors (2) = Australia (lead), Ghana 
- APC = USD 500

"Rural Displacement and Its Implications on Livelihoods and Food Insecurity: The Case of Inter-Riverine Communities in Somalia," Agriculture, vol. 13, no. 7 (July 2023)
- Authors (2) = Lebanon (lead), Canada
- APC = CHF 2600

Green OA:

"Need for a National Legislation on Refugees in India at 75," India Quarterly: A Journal of International Affairs, vol. 78, no. 2 (June 2022) 
- Postprint version deposited in the O.P. Jindal Global University IR
- Authors (2) = India

Hybrid OA:

Note: Article processing charges (APCs) are indicated below; waivers are not available for hybrid OA APCs.

"The Evolution of the Gulf States as Humanitarian Donors," Third World Quarterly, Latest Articles, 10 July 2023
- Authors (2) = Qatar
- APC = USD 3710

"Promise, Premise, and Reality: The Case of Voluntary Environmental Non-migration Despite Climate Risks in Coastal Bangladesh," Regional Environmental Change, vol. 22, no. 1 (2022) 
- Authors (6) = Bangladesh (2, incl. lead), Japan (4)
- APC = USD 3590

"Qatar’s Approach Across the Triple Nexus in Conflict-affected Contexts: The Case of Darfur," Third World Quarterly, Latest Articles, 5 June 2023
- Author = Qatar
- APC = USD 3710

"A Review of Drivers of Environmental Non-migration Decisions in Africa," Regional Environmental Change, vol. 22, no. 4 (2022) 
- Authors (2) = Cameroon (lead), Germany/Cameroon
- APC = USD 3710

Books/Book chapters:

"Border Citizenships: Justice and Hospitality in the Border Region Between Colombia and Venezuela," Chapter in Imagining the Other: Mimetic Theory, Migration, Exclusionary Politics, and the Ambiguous Other (Innsbruck University Press, 2023)
- Author = Colombia

- Editors (3) = Argentina, Ecuador, Mexico

"Theo-Political Challenges Concerning the Relations of Somali Migration in Kenya: An Exploration of the Dynamics at the Core of Imagining 'the Other'," Chapter in Imagining the Other: Mimetic Theory, Migration, Exclusionary Politics, and the Ambiguous Other (Innsbruck University Press, 2023)
- Author = Kenya

"We Are Not All in the Same Boat: Refugees and Asylum Seekers in the Context of COVID-19," Chapter in Global Perspectives of COVID-19 Pandemic on Health, Education, and Role of Media (Springer, Aug. 2023)
- Authors (4) = India/US (lead), US (3)

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