20 May 2024

Thematic Focus: Law/Policy Items


Call for registration: 37ème Cours en Ligne sur le Droit International des Réfugiés (Français), 24 Juin- 19 Juillet 2024 [info]
- Register by 28 May 2024.

Lecture: Criminalising Asylum: From exceptionalism to Rwanda, London, 4 June 2024 [info]

Call for registration: 4th Online Course on Advocacy for Protection, 8-26 July 2024 [info]
- Register by 10 June 2024.

Short pieces:

The Judgements of the Supreme Courts in Canada and the United Kingdom on Their Safe Third Country Agreements (RLI Blog, April 2024) [text]

Offshore migration services: A slippery slope for the Global South (Raisina Debates Blog, May 2024) [text]

Refoulement as a Crime: Insights from the Asso28 Push-Back Case (Verfassungsblog, April 2024) [text]

*UK-Rwanda migrant deal challenges international protection law (The Conversation, May 2024) [text]

Why Protection for Refugees Must Be Localized (Asylum Access, April 2024) [text]


Local Level Laws and Policies Addressing Irregular Migration, Working Paper, no. 7 (MIrreM Project, April 2024) [text]

Pathways and Policy Evolution: Comparing national laws and policies addressing irregular migrants, Working Paper, no. 6 (MIrreM Project, March 2024) [text]

Journal articles & book chapters:

"Exclusión/Inclusión con base en la discriminación por nacionalidad en los sistemas de asilo de España y México = Exclusion/Inclusion Based on Discrimination by Nationality in the Asylum Systems in Spain and Mexico," Migraciones, no. 60 (2024) [open access]
- Available in both English and Spanish.

"The International Law Commission and the Development of International Migration Law," Chapter in Max Planck Yearbook of United Nations Law, vol. 27 (Forthcoming 2024) [preprint]

"The International Refugee Regime and the Liberal International Order: Dialectics of Contestation," Global Studies Quarterly, vol. 4, no. 2 (April 2024) [open access]

"Introductory Note to The African Guiding Principles on the Rights of Migrants, Refugees and Asylum Seekers (Afr. Comm'n H.P.R.)," International Legal Materials, FirstView, 17 May 2024 [open access]

Netherlands International Law Review (Forthcoming)
- A special issue focusing on the "Externalisation of Migration Control" is in the works, and will include the following open access articles: 1) "Challenging Externalisation Through the Lens of the Human Right to Leave"; 2) "Compliance or Complicity? An Analysis of the EU-Tunisia Deal in the Context of the Externalisation of Migration Control"; 3) "Externalisation of Migration Control: Impunity or Accountability for Human Rights Violations?"; and 4) "Externalisation of Migration Controls: A Taxonomy of Practices and Their Implications in International and European Law."


The Roots of Forced Migration: Contravening International Law, 28 April 2024 [access]
- See also related summary.


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