06 January 2009

Changes to the Blog

As of Jan. 2009, I will no longer maintain the four following "category" blogs that I set up when I first launched this blog:

Events & Opportunities
Web Sites/Tools

Instead, I will assign "tags" to each post. These tags carry the same names as the categories and therefore, will still be used to differentiate among the various types of information that I monitor for current awareness purposes. The reason for moving to tags is purely for maintenance reasons: It's a lot easier to assign a tag than it is to update four parallel blogs!

Happily, you can subscribe to RSS/Atom feeds for these tags. The basic format is
http://fm-cab.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default/-/labelname; just substitute "labelname" with the specific tag you wish to track, as follows:


You can do the same for any subject you wish to follow. I tag every post with relevant subject keywords from the International Thesaurus of Refugee Terminology. (These are displayed as "labels" in the actual post.) Here are two subject-specific examples:

- The feed format for the subject "climate"

- The feed format for the subject "country of origin conditions"

Copy and paste these into your reader just like you would any other feed. And the next time these tags are used in my blog, the feeds will be updated accordingly.

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