02 December 2005

International Day for the Abolition of Slavery - 2 December

December 2 marks the International Day for the Abolition of Slavery. For more information, please visit the Dag Hammarskjold's library page at http://www.un.org/depts/dhl/slavery/ ; this notes that Dec. 2 "recalls the date of the adoption, by the General Assembly, of the United Nations Convention for the Suppression of the Traffic in Persons and of the Exploitation of the Prostitution of Others (resolution 317 (IV))" in 1949.

A few resources relating to human trafficking:

2005 Human Rights Report on Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children - http://www.protectionproject.org/

FMO Research Guide: Human Smuggling and Trafficking - http://www.forcedmigration.org/guides/fmo011/

Refugees and Trafficking - http://www.womenscommission.org/projects/P&P/trafficking.shtml

Special Rapporteur on trafficking in persons , especially in women and children - http://www.ohchr.org/english/issues/trafficking/index.htm

In partnership with the Global Alliance against Traffic in Women, Forced Migration Review will publish an issue focusing on human trafficking in March 2006.

Posted in Events.