27 July 2006

Gender-based Violence

This briefing paper, entitled "Sexual Violence Against Women and Girls in War and Its Aftermath: Realities, Responses, and Required Resources," was referenced recently on ReliefWeb. It was prepared for a symposium on gender-based violence in Brussels.

There is a section of the paper that tracks "the development of resources for the field" that was quite interesting. Here's a list of some of the tools for gender-based violence programming that were discussed, presented in chronological order:

Gender-based Violence: Emerging Issues in Programs Serving Displaced Populations, JSI Research and Training Institute and the Reproductive Health in Conflict (RHRC) Consortium (September 2002) [text]

Sexual and Gender-based Violence against Refugees, Returnees and Internally DisplacedPersons: Guidelines for Prevention and Response, UNHCR (May 2003) [text]

Gender-based Violence Tools Manual for Assessment and Program Design, Monitoring and Evaluation in Conflict-affected Settings, Reproductive Health in Conflict (RHRC) Consortium (November 2003) [text]

Guidelines for Gender-based Violence Interventions in Humanitarian Settings: Focusing on Prevention of and Response to Sexual Violence in Emergencies, IASC (September 2005) [text]

Posted in Publications.

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