20 September 2007

Measuring Trends in Peace, Conflict and Refugee Protection

The Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue recently published Charting the Roads to Peace: Facts, Figures and Trends in Conflict Resolution (Sept. 2007), which provides a statistical overview of global peace developments. As the introduction notes, this reflects a growing movement in the use of quantitative data to analyze and interpret trends in conflicts and peace processes.

Mirroring this trend, UNHCR undertook a pilot project to represent the organization's protection activities from a quantitative perspective. The result, Measuring Protection by Numbers (Nov. 2006), "provide[s] valuable indicators of protection gaps, illustrate[s] emerging trends and developments over time, and serve[s] as a measure of the impact of our protection activities."

The U.S. Institute of Peace just convened a panel to discuss "Behind the Numbers: Assessing Indices of Peace, Conflict, and Instability" (17 Sept. 2007). The primary question posed was "Can peace and stability be measured?." The following indices were examined as part of the discussion:
- Failed States Index
- Global Peace Index
- Peace and Conflict Instability Ledger

Posted in Publications and Web Sites/Tools.

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