02 July 2021

Regional Focus: Europe - Pt. 1

Blog posts & press:

Battles Over Migrant Rescue Take to the Skies with Civilian Counter-Surveillance (Border Criminologies Blog, June 2021) [text]

Criminalising the Right to Seek Asylum (Border Criminologies Blog, June 2021) [text]
- Focuses on Greece.

Denmark's immigrants forced out by government policies (Chatham House, June 2021) [text]
- See also related ECRE Weekly Bulletin article.

The Everyday Cruelties of the UK Asylum System (Border Criminologies Blog, June 2021) [text]

Externalising Migration: An Act of Strategic Containment or a Matter of Human Rights? (RLI Blog, June 2021) [text]

Foresight Brings Transformation to UNHCR North Macedonia (UNHCR Innovation Service, June 2021) [text]

A fresh look or just a new coat of paint? EU-cooperation with third countries of origin and transit in EU’s migration and asylum policy (FluchtforschungsBlog, June 2021) [text]

Frontex Failing to Protect People at EU Borders (Human Rights Watch, June 2021) [text]

How connecting with local nature helps migrants build better lives (The Conversation, June 2021) [text]
- Focuses on the UK.

How does the European Union regulate migration? (EPRS Blog, June 2021) [text]

News Comment by UNHCR EU Representative on launch of Slovenian Presidency of the European Union (UNHCR, June 2021) [text]

On the difference that Turkey’s geographical limitation to the 1951 Convention makes in the protection of non-European refugees (RLI Blog, June 2021) [text]

Refugee Week: asylum in the UK, by numbers (Free Movement Blog, June 2021) [text]

#TimeToDeliverMigrationEU: Sending applicants for international protection outside the European Union is a bad idea (Ylva Johansson Blog, June 2021) [text]

UN agencies welcome relocation of 4,000 asylum seekers and refugees from Greece (IOM, UNHCR & UNICEF, June 2021) [text]

Update: Search and Rescue (SAR) operations in the Mediterranean and fundamental rights (EU Agency for Fundamental Rights, June 2021) [text]

Book chapters:

Various relevant chapters from the recently published open access book, Dignity in Movement: Borders, Bodies and Rights (E-International Relations, 2021):
- Aiding and Abetting: Assessing the Responsibility of EU Officials for Crimes Against Migrants in Libya
European Union Readmission Agreements: Deportation as a Gateway to Displacement 
- On the Margins of EU-rope: Colonial Violence at the Bosnian-Croatian Frontier 


A European Refugee Law: Blessing or Curse for the 1951 Geneva Convention?, 16 June 2021 [access]
- Follow link for video recording. See also related remarks delivered during the panel discussion.

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