15 September 2021

Thematic Focus: Sexual Orientation & Gender Identity

Blog posts:

To Protect the Lives of LGBTQ Asylum Seekers, the Biden Administration Must Fully End Title 42 (Human Rights First Blog, July 2021) [text]

Queering Asylum… or Human Rights in Europe? (ADiM Blog, Feb. 2021) [text]

New open access book:

Queering Asylum in Europe: Legal and Social Experiences of Seeking International Protection on Grounds of Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity (Springer, Sept. 2021) [open access]
- "This two-volume open-access book offers a theoretically and empirically-grounded portrayal of the experiences of people claiming international protection in Europe on the basis of their sexual orientation or gender identity (SOGI)."

Reports & journal articles:

2021 Global Roundtable on Protection and Solutions for LGBTIQ+ People in Forced Displacement, 7-29 June 2021 [info]
- A discussion paper prepared for the roundtable and the Summary Conclusions are now available.

"Conceptualizing 'Family' and the Role of 'Chosen Family' within the LGBTQ+ Refugee Community: A Text Network Graph Analysis," Healthcare, vol. 9, no. 4 (March 2021) [open access]

"Constructing Sexuality and Gender Identity for Asylum through a Western Gaze: The Oversimplification of Global Sexual and Gender Variation and Its Practical Effect on LGBT Asylum Determinations," Georgetown Immigration Law Journal, vol. 35, no. 2 (Winter 2021) [full-text]
- Focuses on the US.

"Exploring Social Remittances and Transnational Activism Amongst Transgender Refugees," Frontiers in Human Dynamics, 17 Aug. 2021 [open access]
- Focuses on transgender refugees living in the UK, Europe and the US.

Guidance Note: Diverse SOGIESC Rapid Assessment Tool to assess diverse SOGIESC inclusion results in humanitarian contexts (UN Women, 2021) [access]
- Follow link to access the publication and other related documentation.

*"“I Need to Keep Me and My Mother Safe”: The Asylum Crisis at the US-Mexico Border," Annals of Family Medicine, vol. 19, no. 5 (Sept. 2021) [open access]

"Implementing and interpreting refugee resettlement through a veil of secrecy: A case of LGBT Resettlement from Africa," Frontiers in Human Dynamics, 9 Sept. 2021 [open access]

"Improving SOGI Asylum Adjudication: Putting Persecution Ahead of Identity," Refugee Survey Quarterly, vol. 40, no. 3 (Sept. 2021) [open access]

"Knowledge and Policy about LGBTQI Migrants: A Scoping Review of the Canadian and Global Context," Journal of International Migration and Integration, vol. 22, no. 3 (Sept. 2021) [postprint]

"Legal Violence and (In)Visible Families: How Law Shapes and Erases Family Life in SOGI Asylum in Europe," Human Rights Law Review, Advance Articles, 6 Aug. 2021 [postprint]
- Note: Access to the text is embargoed until 7 Aug. 2023.

"Negotiating Space for Queer-Identifying Young People in a Refugee Organization: Viability, Complexities and Tensions," Journal of Refugee Studies, vol. 34, no. 2 (June 2021) [postprint]
- Focuses on the UK. Note: Access to the text is embargoed until 17 Dec. 2021.


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