31 January 2024

Round-up: OA Articles Published by Global South Authors (31 Jan. 2024)

This is a round-up of open access materials produced by authors based in the Global South (GS) and other geographic areas that are less well-represented in the domain of scholarly forced migration literature. Generally, articles are included if either the lead author or at least half of the co-authors are based in the GS. These references are organized by type of open access. The OA items herein were previously referenced on this blog as of 1 January 2024.

Bronze OA:

"Trajectories of Forced Migration: Central American Migrants on Their Way Toward the USA," Journal on Migration and Human Security, OnlineFirst, 29 Dec. 2023
- Authors (3) = Germany (lead), Mexico (1), Germany/Mexico (1)

Diamond OA:

"Briser le mythe de la 'jungle qui tue': analyse du rôle des intermédiaires dans la traversée du Darién (frontière Colombie-Panama)," Revue Européenne des Migrations Internationales, vol. 39, no. 4 (2023)
- Authors (3) = France (lead), Colombia (2)

"Certifying Credibility: Trajectory of Sub-Saharan Asylum Seekers in Italy," Fuori Luogo: Rivista Di Sociologia Del Territorio, Turismo, Tecnologia, vol. 17, no. 4 (2023)
- Authors (2) = Italy (lead), Morocco (1)

"Derecho a la educación de la población migrante en Argentina y en Chile: revisión de antecedentes sobre acceso, brechas y obstáculos para la inclusión educativa," REMHU: Revista Interdisciplinar da Mobilidade Humana, vol. 31, no. 69 (2023)
- Author = Argentina

"Durable Solutions, Human Rights and the Politics of Mobility: Insights from a Study of Internally Displaced People in Post-Typhoon Haiyan Tacloban City, Philippines," Journal of Social Research, vol. 46, no. 2 (2023)
- Authors (7) = Thailand (2, incl. lead), UK (1), Philippines (4)

"Escaping the ‘Diaspora Trap’: A Narrative of Struggle and Resilience by an Unskilled Zimbabwean Migrant in South Africa," Sozialpolitik.ch = Socialpolicy.ch, no. 2 (Nov. 2023)
- Authors (2) = South Africa

"Financial Inclusion for Forcibly Displaced Persons: The Impact of Aid Conditions," QRP: Quarterly on Refugee Problems - AWR Bulletin, vol. 62, no. 4 (2023)
- Author = Bangladesh

- Authors (3) = Mexico

"Higher Education Policy and Access for South Sudanese from Bidi Bidi, Uganda," African Human Mobility Review, vol. 9, no. 3 (2023)
- Author = Uganda

"Investigating Multimodal Analysis in Female Documentaries about Refugees Crisis: A Case Study," Insights into Language, Culture and Communication, vol. 3, no. 2 (2023)
- Authors (3) = Egypt
- Note: This journal instituted an APC as of Jan. 2024.

"One Step Forward, Half Step Back: the Still Long Way to Go to End Statelessness in Madagascar," African Human Mobility Review, vol. 9, no. 3 (2023)
- Author = South Africa

"El principio de convencionalidad: su existencia y aplicación  para la defensa constucional del derecho humano al asilo políco en Colombia," Revista de la Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Políticas, vol. 54, no. 140 (2024)
- Author = Colombia

"Protection of the Rights of Ethiopian and DRC Refugees and Asylum Seekers: Examining the Role of South African NGOs (2005–2017)," African Human Mobility Review, vol. 9, no. 3 (2023) 
- Author = South Africa

"Reflexiones a la luz de los derechos humanos: análisis respecto a la movilidad humana y diversidad conforme jurisprudencia constitucional ecuatoriana," REMHU: Revista Interdisciplinar da Mobilidade Humana, vol. 31, no. 69 (2023)
- Author = Ecuador

"Return and Reintegration of Migrants: The Role of the Family and the Community," Sozialpolitik.ch = Socialpolicy.ch, no. 2 (Nov. 2023)
- Authors (2) = Senegal

"To Whom Does the Knowledge Belong? The Researcher-Researched Relationship and Vulnerability in Refugee Studies," Ethics in Progress, vol. 14, no. 2 (2023)
- Authors (2) = Poland (lead), Uganda

"Trabajo social y migración forzada: 85 años de intervención con refugiados y personas desplazadas desde México," Revista ACANITS: Redes Temáticas en Trabajo Social, vol. 3, no. 4 (2024)
- Article begins on p. 49.
- Author = Mexico

"The Vulnerable Graduates? Exploring the Post-bachelor’s Degree Un/employment Experiences of Somali and Eritrean Refugees in Ethiopia," Ethiopian Journal of Education, vol. XLIII, no. 2 (Dec. 2023)
- Author = Ethiopia

"Youth Migration Gains and Losses: A Critical Analysis of Economic Perspectives in the Case of the Raparin Administration in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq," QRP: Quarterly on Refugee Problems - AWR Bulletin, vol. 62, no. 4 (2023)
- Authors (3) = Kurdistan Region of Iraq

Gold OA:

Note: Article processing charges (APCs) and other fees are indicated below; waivers are generally offered by gold OA journals but the waiver status of the authors listed below is unknown.

"Access to Health Care for Afghan Immigrants and Refugees: An Ethico-legal Analysis Based on the Iranian Health Law System," Journal of Medical Ethics and History of Medicine, vol. 16 (Dec. 2023)
- Authors (7) = Iran (6), Australia (1)
- APC = IRR 30,000,000 

"Access to HIV/STI Testing among Male and Female Venezuelan Migrants in Peru: Evidence from a Nationwide Survey," BMC Public Health, 24:210 (Jan. 2024)
- Authors (5) = Peru
- APC = USD 3190

"Adherence to Modern Contraceptives Among Female Refugee Adolescents in Northern Uganda: A Prospective Single Cohort Study," Open Access Journal of Contraception, vol. 14 (2023)
- Authors (6) = Uganda/Sweden (lead), Sweden (3), Uganda (2) 
- APC = USD 2470

"Coping Resources among Forced Migrants in South Africa: Exploring the Role of Character Strengths in Coping, Adjustment, and Flourishing," International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, vol. 21, no. 1 (Dec. 2023)
- Authors (4) = South Africa (2, incl. lead), US (2)
- APC = CHF 2500

"COVID-19 Pandemic and Transgender Migrant Women in India: Socio-economic Vulnerability and Vaccine Hesitancy," Journal of Migration and Health, vol. 8 (2023)
- Authors (3) = India (2, incl. lead), US (1)
- APC = USD 1910

- Authors (7) = Lebanon
- APC = USD 1931

"Double Tragedy! Stigmatization and Social Exclusion of Women and Children Returnees from Boko Haram Captivity: Raising the New 'Shekaus'," Lwati: A Journal of Contemporary Research, vol. 20, no. 4 (2023)
- Authors (3) = Nigeria
- APC = USD 250; in addition, USD 50 for production & mail costs

"Exploring Vaccination Challenges among Syrian Refugees in Jordan: Insights from Camps and Communities, and Perceived Parental Barriers to Childhood Vaccination Uptake," Vaccines, vol. 12, no. 2 (Jan. 2024)
- Authors (4) = US (lead), Jordan (3)
- APC = CHF 2700

-Authors (7) = Jordan (5, incl. lead), Saudi Arabia (2)
- APC = USD 3190

- Authors (22) = Ethiopia (17, incl. lead), US (3), Ethiopia/Australia (1), UK (1)
- APC = USD 3190

- Authors (4) = Lebanon (2, incl. lead), US (2)
- APC = USD 1285

"'I still don’t know how someone gets pregnant': Determinants of Poor Reproductive Health among Young Female Refugees in South Africa," BMC Women's Health, 24:10 (Jan. 2024)
- Authors (4) = South Africa (3, incl. lead), France (1)
- APC = USD 2790

- Authors (2) = Indonesia
- APC = The specific amount is not provided on the journal website.

"Maternal Health Outcomes in the Context of Fragility: A Retrospective Study from Lebanon," Conflict and Health, 17:59 (Dec. 2023)
- Authors (11) = Lebanon (9, incl. lead), United Arab Emirates (1), Spain (1)
- APC = USD 2990

"No Choice but Welcoming Refugees: The Non-Refoulement Principle as Customary International Law in Indonesia," Lentera Hukum, 10:1 (2023)
- Authors (3) = Indonesia (2, incl. lead), Hungary (1)
- APC = IDR 3,000,000

"On the Edges of Insecurity: Studies of Children When Refugees and in Situations of Migration," Physis: Revista de Saúde Coletiva, vol. 33 (2023) 
- Authors (3) = Brazil
- APC =  BRL 600

"Promotion of Livelihood Opportunities to Address Food Insecurity in Rohingya Refugee Camps of Bangladesh," Global Public Health: An International Journal for Research, Policy and Practice, vol. 19, no. 1 (2023)
- Authors (13) = Bangladesh (7, incl. lead), Australia (2), US (2), Bangladesh/Australia (2), 
- APC = USD 1495 

- Authors (6) = Somalia (3, incl. lead), UK (2), Somalia/Sweden (1)
- APC = USD 1285

"Unaccompanied or Separated Migrant Children and Adolescents at the Colombian–Venezuelan Border: Loss of the Social Moratorium and Its Implications," Social Sciences, vol. 12, no. 12 (Dec. 2023)
- Authors (4) = Colombia
- APC = CHF 1400

Green OA:

Note: Authors now have the option to deposit their postprints in the Forced Migration Research Archive (FMRA)! The submission form and guidelines are available on FMRA's website.

"Conceptual Networks and the Representation of the Syrian Refugees in the UNHCR Press Releases Between 2011 and 2021," Journal of International Migration and Integration, Latest Articles, 30 Jan. 2024
- Preprint version of article posted on Research Square.
- Author = Tunisia

Books/book chapters:

Investigaciones Posdoctorales sobre Migración, Asilo y Desplazamiento Interno (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Nov. 2023)
- Editor and most authors are based in Mexico.

- Editors (2) = UK (lead), Ghana; the handbook draws "on contributions from nearly 70 leading migration scholars, mainly from the Global South."

"Refugees’ Perception of Landslide Disasters: Insights from the Rohingya Camps in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh," Chapter in Progress in Landslide Research and Technology, vol. 2, no. 2 (2023)
- Authors (4) = Bangladesh (2, incl. lead), UK (2)

Periodical issues:

African Human Mobility Review, vol. 9, no. 3 (2023)
- Mix of articles. Published by the Scalabrini Institute on Human Mobility in Africa and the University of the Western Cape, both based in South Africa.

Iuris Dictio, vol. 32 (2023)
- Features a dossier on “Derechos de las personas en movilidad humana, tensiones y desafíos en el desarrollo normativo y jurisprudencial.” Published by Universidad San Francisco de Quito in Ecuador.

REMHU: Revista Interdisciplinar da Mobilidade Humana, vol. 31, no. 69 (2023) 
- Special issue on "Education in the context of international mobility and migration policies." Articles are in either English, Italian, Portuguese or Spanish.  Published by Centro Scalabriniano de Estudos Migratórios, based in Brazil.

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