16 November 2009

American Political Science Association Papers

The 2009 meeting of the American Political Science Association (APSA) was held in Toronto, 3-6 September 2009. Participants are "strongly encouraged" by conference organizers to upload their papers to the Annual Meeting repository. SSRN was selected as the repository for 2009 papers.

Browse/search through the conference program or view it in PDF for more information about conference sessions. Here are several relevant titles I located:

Fighting and Helping? NGOs and Military Organizations in Complex Humanitarian Emergencies [text]

The Framing of Human Trafficking in the U.S. Print Media [text]

Metaphors in the US Trafficking in Persons Report [text]

Revisiting Human Rights Discourse: The Challenge of Environmental Refugees to International Moral and Legal Norms [abstract]

Statelessness and the Contestation of Community: On the Interrelation Between Democracy and Global Justice [text]
- Note: The link goes to an earlier version of the paper posted on AllAcademic.

Ties That Bind: Examining the Role of Human Rights in Family Reunification Policy Formation [text]
- Note: This is the name of the conference paper; the link is to the text of a paper by the same author with a similar title.

The Travel-Refugee Regime Complex [abstract]
- Note: This is the name of the conference paper; the link is to an abstract for a paper by the same author with a similar title.

Tagged Publications.

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