31 January 2018

News: "Zero Draft" of Global Compact on Refugees

Today, UNHCR released a "zero draft" of the global compact on refugees that will form the basis of formal discussions with UN Member States beginning in February and running through July 2018.

From the press release:

"The draft compact includes the comprehensive refugee response framework (CRRF), set out in the Annex 1 of the New York Declaration, and a programme of action which helps translate policy into practice to improve - for example – refugee access to education, livelihoods, civil registration systems, financial services and internet connectivity while encouraging private investment or development funding in refugee hosting areas. The 'zero draft' has been informed by a series of discussions in the latter half 2017, and the application of the CRRF in different countries and situations."

The formal consultations will produce a non-binding document which will then be presented by the High Commissioner in his 2018 report to the UN General Assembly at the end of the year.

For more information, visit:
- UNHCR's web page on the Global Compact on Refugees, which includes a "roadmap on the formal consultations process"
- UNHCR's web page on the CRRF
- my round-ups on both global compacts (on refugees and migration): here, here and here

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