15 July 2020

Open Access Round-up: 15 July 2020

Below is a listing of Open Access literature that I have referenced on this blog since 30 June 2020. If you are not familiar with Open Access, please visit my other blog for an introduction.

See also this list for a quick look at different types of Open Access.

Green Open Access [info]


"Access to Effective Refugee Protection in South Africa: Legislative Commitment, Policy Realities, Judicial Rectifications?," Constitutional Court Review (Forthcoming)
- Preprint version of article.
- Author is based in the UK/South Africa.

"Explaining Migration Timing: Political Information and Opportunities," International Organization, vol. 74, no. 3 (Summer 2020)
- Postprint version of article.
- Two authors, both based in the US.

"International Refugee Protection and the Primary Institutions of International Society," Review of International Studies, vol. 46, no. 2 (April 2020)
- Postprint version of article.
- Author is based in the UK.

"Judicial Power -- Immigration-Style," Administrative Law Review, vol. 73, no. 2 (Forthcoming, 2021)
- Preprint version of article.
- Author is based in the US.

"The Politics of Exclusion: Embedded Racism and Japan’s Pilot Refugee Resettlement Programme," Race & Class, vol. 62, no. 1 (2020)
- Postprint version of article.
- Two authors, with lead based in New Zealand and co-author in Japan.

Book chapters:

"Border Crimes as Crimes against Humanity," Chapter in Oxford Handbook of International Refugee Law (Oxford Univ. Press, Forthcoming 2021)
- Preprint version of chapter.
- Author is based in Israel.

"International Humanitarian Law and Refugee Protection," Chapter in Oxford Handbook of International Refugee Law (Oxford Univ. Press, Forthcoming 2021)
- Preprint version of chapter.
- Author is based in the UK/South Africa.

"International Law at the Border: Refugee Deaths, the Necropolitical State and Sovereign Accountability," Chapter in Routledge Handbook of International Law and the Humanities (Routledge, Forthcoming 2020)
- Preprint version of chapter.
- Author is based in Australia.

"Mutual (Dis-)Trust in EU Migration and Asylum Law: The Exceptionalisation of Fundamental Rights," Chapter in Fundamental Rights in the EU Area of Freedom, Security and Justice (Cambridge University Press, Forthcoming 2021)
- Preprint version of chapter.
- Author is based in the UK.

"Protection at Sea and the Denial of Asylum," Chapter in Oxford Handbook of International Refugee Law (Oxford Univ. Press, Forthcoming 2021)
- Preprint version of chapter.
- Author is based in the UK.

"Race, Refugees and International Law," Chapter in Oxford Handbook of International Refugee Law (Oxford Univ. Press, Forthcoming 2021)
- Preprint version of chapter.
- Author is based in the US/South Africa.

"Refugee Naturalization and Integration," Chapter in Oxford Handbook of International Refugee Law (Oxford Univ. Press, Forthcoming 2021)
Preprint version of chapter.
- Author is based in the UK/South Africa.

Diamond/Gold Open Access [info]

Note: The APC amount indicated is as of this writing; may vary depending on type of submission and may also be subject to change. Waiver status of authors is unknown.


"Between Fragmentation and Institutionalisation: The Rise of Migration Studies as a Research Field," Comparative Migration Studies, 8:24 (July 2020)
- Three authors, all based in the Netherlands. APC is US$1180.

"A Coding Tool and Abuse Data for Female Asylum Seekers," Data in Brief, vol. 31 (Aug. 2020)
- Four authors, all based in the US. APC is US$600.

"Compounded Exclusion: Education for Disabled Refugees in Sub-Saharan Africa," Frontiers in Education, 12 May 2020
- Ten authors, with lead based in the UK/South Africa  and co-authors the UK (3), South Africa (2), Australia (1), Uganda (1), Zimbabwe (1) and UK/South Africa (1). APC is US$950.

"Condenados a Moverse Entre Fronteras? Hacia Nuevos Paradigmas de la Regulación Internacional en Materia de Desplazamientos Internos Forzados," Anuario Mexicano de Derecho Internacional, vol. 20 (2020)
- Author is based in Argentina. No APC.

"Engineering and Humanitarian Intervention: Learning from Failure," Journal of International Humanitarian Action, 5:7 (June 2020)
- Three authors, all based in Canada. No APC.

"An Evaluation of the Quality of Self-harm Incident Reporting Across the Australian Asylum Seeker Population According to World Health Organization (WHO) Guidelines," BMC Psychiatry, 20:301 (June 2020)
- Three authors, all based in Australia. APC is US$2380.

"Factors Associated with Adherence to Safe Water Chain Practices among Refugees in Pagirinya Refugee Settlement, Northern Uganda," Journal of Water and Health, vol. 18, no. 3 (June 2020)
- Five authors, all based in Uganda. APC is US$1850.

"Immigration Policy Mismatches and Counterproductive Outcomes: Unauthorized Migration to the U.S. in Two Eras," Comparative Migration Studies, 8:21 (June 2020)
- Author is based in the US. APC is US$1180.

"Investigating Self–settled Syrian Refugees’ Agency and Informality in Southern Cities Greater Cairo: A Case Study," Review of Economics and Political Science, Early Cite, 18 May 2020
- Author is based in Egypt. No APC.

"'Like a Tree Without Leaves': Syrian Refugee Women and the Shifting Meaning of Marriage," Mashriq & Mahjar: Journal of Middle East and North African Migration Studies, vol. 7, no. 1 (2020)
- Author is based in Canada. No APC.

"Measuring the Psychosocial, Biological, and Cognitive Signatures of Profound Stress in Humanitarian Settings: Impacts, Challenges, and Strategies in the Field," Conflict and Health, 14:40 (June 2020)
- Five authors, with lead based in the US and co-authors in the US (1), the UK (2) and Jordan (1). APC is US$2490.

"Network Analysis as a Tool for Humanitarian Protection: Research and Practice," Journal of International Humanitarian Action, 5:7 (June 2020)
- Two authors, with lead based in Malta and co-author in Spain. No APC.

"Promoting Digital Humanitarian Action in Protecting Human Rights: Hope or Hype," Journal of International Humanitarian Action, 5:6 (June 2020)
- Two authors, with lead based in Russia and co-author in China. No APC.

"Refugee Families with Children with Disabilities: Exploring Their Social Network and Support Needs - A Good Practice Example," Frontiers in Education, 3 June 2020
- Two authors, both based in Austria. APC is US$950.

"A Social Ecological Approach to Understanding Service Utilization Barriers among Male Survivors of Sexual Violence in Three Refugee Settings: A Qualitative Exploratory Study," Conflict and Health, 14:43 (July 2020)
- Four authors, with lead based in US/Australia and co-authors in the US, Australia and Germany. APC is US$2490.

"The Word I Hate: Racism, Refugees and Asylum Seekers in Iceland," Icelandic Review of Politics and Administration, vol. 16, no. 1 (2020)
- Two authors, both based in Iceland. No APC indicated.

Journal issues:

Displaced Voices: A Journal of Migration, Archives and Cultural Heritage, vol. 1, no. 1 (Summer 2020)
- Inaugural issue with 8 articles on current issues and archive/oral history topics, a thematic section on Kashmir, as well as news items, multimedia pieces, poetry, and book reviews.

Intervention: International Journal of Mental Health, Psychosocial Work and Counselling in Areas of Armed Conflict, vol. 18, no. 1 (Jan.-June 2020)
- Mix of 11 articles on psycho-social and mental health issues in humanitarian contexts.

REMHU: Revista Interdisciplinar da Mobilidade Humana, vol.28, no.58 (Jan.-April 2020)
- Main theme of this issue is "Organised Civil Society in the Context of Human Mobility," with 8 articles. An additional 7 general articles are also included, with two focusing on environmental refugees.

Statelessness and Citizenship Review, vol. 2, no. 1 (2020)
- Includes six general articles, five articles as part of a "Symposium on Statelessness and Slavery," three case notes, and two book reviews.

Hybrid Open Access [info]

"Biogeopolitics of COVID‐19: Asylum‐related Migrants at the European Union Borderlands," Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie = Journal of Economic and Social Geography, Early View, 1 July 2020
- Author is based in Finland. APC is US$3000.

"Containment Instead of Refoulement: Shifting State Responsibility in the Age of Cooperative Migration Control?," Human Rights Law Review, vol. 20, no. 2 (June 2020)
- Author is based in the Netherlands. APC is US$3640.

"Discursive Shifts and the Normalisation of Racism: Imaginaries of Immigration, Moral Panics and the Discourse of Contemporary Right-wing Populism," Social Semiotics, Latest Articles, 2 June 2020
- Author is based in Sweden. APC is US$2995.

"The European Union Current Asylum Policy: Selected Problems in the Shadow of COVID-19," International Journal for the Semiotics of Law = Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique, Latest Articles, 2 July 2020
- Two authors, both based in Poland. APC is US$2750.

"Forced Migration, Older Refugees and Displacement: Implications for Social Work as a Human Rights Profession," Journal of Human Rights and Social Work, Latest Articles, 9 May 2020
- Two authors, both based in Sweden. APC is US$2750.

"Gender-based Violence Experienced by Women Seeking Asylum in the United States: A Lifetime of Multiple Traumas Inflicted by Multiple Perpetrators," Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine, vol. 72 (May 2020)
- Four authors, all based in the US. APC is US$3000.

"Highly Skilled Entrepreneurial Refugees: Legal and Practical Barriers and Enablers to Start Up in the Netherlands," International Migration, Early View, 30 June 2020
- Four authors, all based in the Netherlands. APC is US$2500.

"In Search of Recognition: The Political Ambiguities of Undocumented Migrants’ Active Citizenship," Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, Latest Articles, 8 June 2020
- Two authors, with lead based in the Netherlands and co-author in Belgium. APC is US$3500.

"Keeping Out Extremists: Refugees, Would‐Be Immigrants, and Ideological Exclusion," Journal of Applied Philosophy, Early View, 25 June 2020
- Author is based in Sweden. APC is US$2900.

"Post-migration Risks, Developmental Processes, and Learning among Syrian Refugee Children in Lebanon," Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, vol. 69 (July-Aug. 2020)
- Five authors, all based in the US. APC is US$2700.

"Refugee Livelihoods: A Comparative Analysis of Nairobi and Kakuma Camp in Kenya," Disasters, Accepted Articles, 6 July 2020
- Author is based in the UK. APC is US$3000.

"Reticent Digital Diasporas in Times of Crisis: The Shifting Emotion Work of the Burundian Diaspora," African Diaspora, Advance Articles, 2 April 2020
- Two authors, with lead based in Denmark and co-author in the Netherlands. APC is US$2350.

"'Street-level' Agents Operating Beyond 'Remote Control': How Overseas Liaison Officers and Foreign State Officials Shape UK Extraterritorial Migration Management," Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, Latest Articles, 29 June 2020
- Two authors, both based in the UK. APC is US$3500.

"Sufficiency, Priority, and Selecting Refugees," Journal of Applied Philosophy, Early View, 23 June 2020
- Author is based in the UK. APC is US$2900.

"UNHCR and LGBTI Refugees in Kenya: The Limits of ‘Protection’," Disasters, Accepted Articles, 22 May 2020
- Author is based in the UK. APC is US$3000.

Law Reviews

Note: These articles are considered Bronze Open Access, i.e., they are free-to-read but no other permissions are associated with them. Authors are based in the US unless otherwise indicated.

"Cómo se dice 'due process'? Weighing the Added Value of Guaranteed Interpretive Services for Asylum Seekers," Journal of Constitutional Law, vol. 22, no. 3 (2019-2020)

"The Ethio-Eritrean Rapprochement and Potential Implication on Eritrean Refugees in Ethiopia," International Law Series, vol. III (Addis Ababa University, 2019)
- Three authors, with lead based in Norway and both co-authors in Ethiopia.

"The LGBTQ Asylum Seeker: Particular Social Groups and Authentic Queer Identities," Georgetown Journal of Gender and the Law, vol. XX, no. 3 (2019)

"Measuring In Absentia Removal in Immigration Court," University of Pennsylvania Law Review, vol. 168, no. 4 (March 2020)

"Reassessing Aspects of the Contribution of African States to the Development of International Law Through African Regional Multilateral Treaties," Michigan Journal of International Law, vol. 41, no. 2 (2020)

"Sanctuary, Safe Harbor and Asylum, But is It Available for Domestic Violence Victims? The Analysis of Domestic Violence Asylum Seekers in the United States and Internationally," San Diego International Law Journal, vol. 21, no. 2 (2020)

"The Thirteenth Amendment and Human Trafficking: Lessons & Limitations," Georgia State University Law Review, vol. 36, no. 4 (2020)

Related post:
Open Access Round-up: 30 June 2020

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