28 July 2020

Thematic Focus: Humanitarian Assistance

Blog posts & press:

Are We in the Dark When It Comes to Humanitarian Crises? (InterAction Blog, July 2020) [text]
- Introduction to a new blog series.

"COVID-19 Changed the World. Can It Change Aid, Too?," The New Humanitarian, 16 July 2020 [text]

‘Every action counts’: Why the Humanitarian Sector Needs to Fast-track Inclusion (ODI Blog, July 2020) [access]
- Follow link for three viewpoints.

InterAction's Results-based Protection Field Support (InterAction Blog, July 2020) [text]

Race, Equity, and Neo-colonial Legacies: Identifying Paths Forward for Principled Humanitarian Action (Humanitarian Law & Policy Blog, July 2020) [text]

TNH@25: Rethinking Humanitarianism (The New Humanitarian, July 2020) [access]
- "At a time when the COVID-19 pandemic and the #BlackLivesMatter movement are challenging the very concept of humanitarianism, this series invites reflections on the future of international solidarity."

More humanitarian-related blog posts can be found in IHSA's weekly round-ups.

New open access book:

Humanitarianism in the Modern World: The Moral Economy of Famine Relief (Cambridge Univ. Press, July 2020)
- "The authors apply a moral economy approach to shed new light on the forces and ideas that motivated and shaped humanitarian aid during the Great Irish Famine, the famine of 1921-1922 in Soviet Russia and the Ukraine, and the 1980s Ethiopian famine."

Reports & journal articles:

Accountability, Feedback & Complaints Mechanisms in Humanitarian Responses to Migration (Start Network, July 2020) [text via ReliefWeb]

'All eyes are on local actors': Covid-19 and Local Humanitarian Action - Opportunities for Systemic Change (ODI, July 2020) [text]

Alternatives Humanitaires, no. 14 (July 2020) [open access]
- Theme issue on "Covid-19: Impacts in the humanitarian field."

CrisisInSight: Humanitarian Access Overview (ACAPS, July 2020) [text via ReliefWeb]

Evaluation Process Toolkit (Aid Works) [access]
- Now available on a complimentary basis.

Global Humanitarian Assistance Report 2020 (Development Initiatives, July 2020) [access]
- Follow link to access report and datasets by chapter. See also related factsheets on aid budgets and donors/recipients.

Humanitarian Data Transparency Series (June 2020)
- "[T]he Grand Bargain Transparency Workstream...commissioned Publish What You Fund and Ground Truth Solutions to conduct research into the information needs and challenges faced by data users on the ground in protracted humanitarian response settings, to inform the efforts of the Transparency Workstream and Grand Bargain signatories."
-  The four themed briefing papers include: Brief 1: Publication of humanitarian funding data; Brief 2: Data collection, analysis and use in protracted humanitarian crises; Brief 3: The use, challenges and opportunities associated with digital platforms; and Brief 4: Data use capacity in protracted humanitarian crises.

Joint Guidance: Targeting of Assistance to Meet Basic Needs (UNHCR & WFP, July 2020) [text]

Localization Across Contexts: Lessons Learned from Four Case Studies (Save the Children & Feinstein International Center, July 2020) [text via ReliefWeb]
- The case studies focus on Indonesia, Kenya, Somalia, and South Sudan.

Turning the Tables: Insights from Locally-led Humanitarian Partnerships in Conflict-affected Situations (Save the Children, May 2020) [text via ReliefWeb]
- "The models and strategies detailed here come mainly from Myanmar, Syria and Uganda."

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