01 March 2021

Thematic Focus: Sexual Orientation & Gender Identity

Books & reports:

Addressing Sexual Violence against Men, Boys, and LGBTIQ+ Persons in Humanitarian Settings: A Field-Friendly Guidance Note by Sector (Women's Refugee Commission, Feb. 2021) [text]

EU law and the mutual recognition of parenthood between Member States: the case of V.M.A. v Stolichna Obsthina (Globalcit, Jan. 2021) [text]
- See also related ENS blog post.

LGBT Adult Immigrants in the United States (UCLA, Feb. 2021) [text]

Lives That Resist Telling: Migrant and Refugee Lesbians (Routledge, March 2021) [abstract]

Queer Migration and Asylum in Europe (UCL Press, March 2021) [open access]
- Note: Access to the complete text will not be available until the book has been formally published on 8 March 2021.

Journal articles:

"Housing policy with violent outcomes: the domestication of queer asylum seekers in a heteronormative society," Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, vol. 47, no. 3 (2021) [open access]
- Focuses on Sweden.

"Imaginaries about Brazil in the Media Consumption of LGBTIQ+ Immigrants and Refugees in the City of São Paulo," International Journal of Communication, vol. 15 (2021) [open access]

"Mapping Homo/Transphobia: The Valorization of the LGBT Protection Category in the Refugee-Granting System," ACME: An International Journal for Critical Geographies, vol. 20, no. 1 (2021) [open access]
- Focuses on France.

“Precarious Living, Absent Livelihoods: LGBTQI Refugees in ‘First Asylum Cities’,” Oxford Monitor of Forced Migration, vol. 9, no. 1 (Dec. 2020) [full-text]
- Scroll to p. 16.

"Queer studies and religion in Southern Africa: The production of queer Christian subjects," Religion Compass, vol. 15, no. 1 (2021) [Univ. of Western Cape]

*"Reconocimiento de la Condición de Refugiado en México: personas LGBTI y Discriminación en Guatemala," La Revista de Derecho, vol. 41 (2020) [open access]

"Refugeeness, sexuality and gender: spatialized lived experiences of intersectionality by queer asylum seekers and refugees in Paris," Frontiers in Human Dynamics, Accepted 18 Feb. 2021 [abstract]
- Note: This open access article has been provisionally accepted but the final formatted text is not yet available.

"Los refugiados LGTBI en España: buscar protección en tiempos de control migratorio," Anuario CIDOB de la Inmigración 2020 [open access]


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