12 August 2021

Thematic Focus: Law/Policy Items


Job announcement: Research Fellows, Protection without Ratification? International Refugee Law beyond States Parties to the 1951 Refugee Convention (BEYOND) Project, Univ. of Oslo [info]
- Candidates are sought for three positions: two postdocs focusing on Turkey and Pakistan, respectively, and a PhD focusing on Bangladesh. The deadline for applications is 1 September 2021.

See also this earlier post for a number of upcoming law-related courses and study programmes.

Blog posts & press:

Book review: The Oxford Handbook of International Refugee Law, edited by Costello, Foster and McAdam (Free Movement Blog, July 2021) [text]

The Concept of ‘Protection’ by Non-State Actors in the Country of Origin and the Revocation of the Refugee Status (RefLaw Blog, July 2021) [text]

Oldie but Goodie: Resilience of the 1951 Refugee Convention 70 Years on (FluchtforschungsBlog, July 2021) [text]

Reports & journal articles:

"Buying Your Way Out of the Convention: Examining Three Decades of Safe Third Country Agreements in Practice," Georgetown Immigration Law Journal, vol. 35, no. 3 (Spring 2021) [full-text]

Critical analysis of the law’s response to asylum seekers who are in danger from non-state actors (Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor, July 2021) [access]
- Follow link for paper in English and Arabic.

"Editorial: Migration in the Time of COVID-19: Comparative Law and Policy Responses," Frontiers in Human Dynamics, 21 June 2021 [open access]
- Editorial describing collection of articles that "offers a comparative study of law and policy around human mobility in the face of the pandemic. Several papers in this collection examine the impact of the pandemic on EU free movement law. Others assess destination states’ responses to COVID-19 from the perspective of migration law and policy, and consider how they build upon prior exclusionary regimes, offering suggestions for reform of domestic laws in the wake of the pandemic."

*International Migration, vol. 59, no. 4 (2021) [access]
- The Commentary section includes five freely available thought pieces on the 1951 Convention relating to the Status of Refugees. 

Migration and International Human Rights Law: A Practitioners Guide, 3rd ed. (International Commission of Jurists, July 2021) [text]

"Non-signatory States and the international refugee regime," Forced Migration Review, no. 67 (July 2021) [open access]
- Thematic feature that "focuses on non-signatory States and the international refugee regime, with authors examining the implications for protection when States are not signatories to the 1951 Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees (and/or its 1967 Protocol). In particular, authors explore the role of UNHCR, civil society and legal actors in facilitating access to protection in States such as Bangladesh, Hong Kong, Thailand, Turkey, Jordan and Lebanon."

Pushing Back Protection: How Offshoring and Externalization Imperil the Right to Asylum (National Immigrant Justice Center, Aug. 2021) [access]

"The Relationship between Internally Displaced Persons and Refugees," Chapter in Internally Displaced Persons and International Refugee Law (Forthcoming, 2022) [preprint]

"Transit States to Destination Nations: Mexican and Moroccan Asylum Policies," Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law, vol. 53, no. 4 (2021) [full-text]


Ageing Gracefully? The 1951 Refugee Convention at 70, 5th Annual RLI Conference, 9-11 June 2021 [access]
- Follow the link to access video recordings of keynote and panel presentations. 

'Nothing about us without us': Incorporating lived experiences of displacement in international law scholarship, ANZSIL Seminar, 14 July 2021 [access]


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