10 October 2024

Regional Focus: MENA - Pt. 1

Short pieces:

Displacement-based Discrimination Impeding Access to Personal Documents (Sada Blog, Sept. 2024) [text]
- Focuses on IDPs in Libya. See also related documentary below.

The Double-Edged Sword of Humanitarianism: UNRWA and Struggle for Palestinian Agency in the Colonial Context (Opinio Juris, Oct. 2024) [text]

Gaza Humanitarian Access Snapshot #6 (11 Sept.-9 Oct. 2024) [text via ReliefWeb]
- See also related statement by IASC principals.

*Ignored, Displaced and Powerless: Lebanon’s IDPs Caught Between Escalating Hostilities and Government Neglect (RID Blog, Oct. 2024) [text]

"Israel’s Lebanon assault: A double suffering for Syrian refugees," The New Humanitarian, 2 Oct. 2024 [text]

Joint Statement: Tunisia is Not a Place of Safety for People Rescued at Sea (Amnesty International, Oct. 2024) [text]

One year of war in Gaza (The New Humanitarian, Oct. 2024) [access]
- "A collection of our coverage chronicling humanitarian impacts, aid challenges, and the experiences of Palestinians for whom Gaza is home."

The Syrian Civil War: A Decade of Conflict, Displacement, and Global Impact (Modern Diplomacy, Oct. 2024) [text]

Syrians escape bombings in Lebanon to the country they once fled (UNHCR, Oct. 2024) [text]
- See also related press release.

UNHCR, Egypt’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Sanremo Institute organize a three-day workshop on Asylum Management (UNHCR, Oct. 2024) [text]

A year of escalating conflict in the Middle East has ushered in a new era of regional displacement (The Conversation, Oct. 2024) [text]


Gaza’s Intensifying Humanitarian Catastrophe: Expert Perspectives, 30 Sept. 2024 [access]

Internal Shadows: The Unseen Plights of Libya's IDPs (Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Sept. 2024) [access]


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