26 November 2014

Events & Opportunities: More December 2014


Call for Applications: 2015 Arthur C. Helton Fellowship Program, ASIL, Washington, DC [info]
- The application period opened 24 November 2014 and will close 19 January 2015. Important note: "Due to administrative constraints, only the first 50 completed applications, submitted on-line, and received in full by the submission deadline will be reviewed. A notice that the application process has closed will be posted on the Helton Fellowship page once 50 completed applications have been received."

Job: Director of Development & Communications, CGRS, San Francisco [info]
- This position is open until filled.


The Evolving Humanitarian System: A Truly Global Approach?, London, 4 December 2014 [info]
- Will also be livestreamed.

CFP: Migration and Human Rights: Perception v. Reality, Nottingham, UK, 7 March 2015 [info]
- Abstract deadline is 11 December 2014.

Internship: UNHCR Statelessness Section, Geneva [info]
- Apply by 12 December 2014.

Call for Paper Sessions: Human Migration and the Environment: Futures, Politics, Invention, Durham, UK, 28 June-1 July 2015 [info]
- Deadline for proposals is 12 December 2014.

Call for Applications: 2015 Cleary Gottlieb Summer Fellowship, Harvard Immigration and Refugee Clinic [info]
- Application deadline is 15 December 2014.

Call for Applications: Scholarship Programme for Syrian Refugees, German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) [info]
- Application deadline is 15 December 2014.

CFP: 'A Vision of Revolution': Exile and Deportation in Global Perspective, Rochester, NY, 2-4 April 2015 [info]
- Abstract deadline is 15 December 2014.

Job: Disability Program Officer, Women's Refugee Commission, New York [info]
- Closing date for applications is 27 December 2014.

Related posts:
- Legal Events & Opportunities: November & December 2014
- Events & Opportunities: December 2014

Tagged Events & Opportunities. 

25 November 2014

Thematic Focus: Women


Today, November 25th, is the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women and Girls. It also marks the start of the 16 Days of of Activism against Gender-Based Violence Campaign, which runs until December 10th, or Human Rights Day.


Asylum Seekers and Refugees Surviving on Hold, Sexual Violence Disclosed to Rape Crisis Centres in 2012 (Rape Crisis Network Ireland, Oct. 2014) [text]

Abused & Abducted: The Plight of Female Migrants from the Horn of Africa in Yemen (Regional MMS, Oct. 2014) [text]

"(En)Gendering Vulnerability: Immigrant Service Providers’ Perceptions of Needs, Policies, and Practices Related to Gender and Women Refugee Claimants in Atlantic Canada," Refuge, vol. 30, no. 2 (2014) [open access]

"Gendered Perspectives on Refugee Determination in Canada," Refuge, vol. 30, no. 2 (2014) [open access]

"A Tale of Two Women: The Claims for Asylum of Fauziya Kassindja, Who Fled FGC, and Rody Alvarado, a Survivor of Partner (Domestic) Abuse," Chapter 4 in Gender in Refugee Law: From the Margins to the Centre (Routledge, April 2014) [eprint via SSRN]

To What Extent does the European Recast Qualification Directive Protect Refugee Women Seeking Asylum on the Basis of Gender-related Claims?, Thesis (University of Cape Town, April 2014) [text]

"United against Gender Violence: Europeans Struggle to Provide Protections for Migrants," Denver Journal of International Law and Policy, vol. 42, no. 2 (2014) [full-text via SSRN]

Unprotected, Unrecognized: Canadian Immigration Policy and Violence against Women, 2008-2013 (Migrant Mothers Project, Nov. 2014) [text]

"'What happens there ... follows us here': Resettled but Still at Risk: Refugee Women and Girls in Australia," Refuge, vol. 30, no. 2 (2014) [open access]

Related post:
- Thematic Focus: Women (7 Nov. 2014)

Tagged Publications and Events & Opportunities.

24 November 2014

New ETDs - Pt. 3

(ETD = Electronic Theses & Dissertations)

The Logic of Generosity: Resilient Action among Jordanian Women in Al Manara, Amman, in Response to Pressures on Charity Donations Posed by Syrian Refugees, Thesis (Utrecht University, Aug. 2014) [text]

Palestinians in Lebanon: Victims of Double Misrepresentation - A Study of Political Organization in Burj al-Barajneh Palestinian Refugee Camp, Thesis (University of Oslo, May 2014) [text]

Reflective Practice Using Music-based Program to Support Self-Awareness and Mental Health with Women Refugees from the Middle-East, Thesis (San Diego State University, Fall 2014) [text]

Violence against Women among Palestinian Refugees in Jordan: Investigating the Patriarchal Hypothesis, Thesis (University of Oslo, Spring 2014) [text]

Tagged Publications.

New ETDs - Pt. 2

(ETD = Electronic Theses & Dissertations)

Compliance with International Law on IDPs, Refugee and Stateless Persons: A Case Study of Burmese Refugees in Thailand, Thesis (City University of New York, Sept. 2014) [text]

A Jurisprudential Analysis of the Interpretation of "Persecution" under the 1951 Convention relating to the Status of Refugees at the Domestic Level, Dissertation (University of Birmingham, 2014) [info]
- Embargoed until 1 Dec. 2014

The Legal Protection of Cross-border Climate-induced Displaced Persons in Southern Africa, Dissertation (North-West University, Nov. 2013; was embargoed until Oct. 2014) [text]

Realising the Socio-economic Rights of Refugees under International Human Rights Law: A Case Study of South Africa, Thesis (University of the Western Cape, Nov. 2014) [text]

To What Extent does the European Recast Qualification Directive Protect Refugee Women Seeking Asylum on the Basis of Gender-related Claims?, Thesis (University of Cape Town, April 2014) [text]

Towards a More Effective Guarantee of Socioeconomic Rights for Refugees in Southern Africa, Dissertation (University of the Witwatersrand, Oct. 2014) [text]

Tagged Publications.

New ETDs - Pt. 1

(ETD = Electronic Theses & Dissertations)

Assessing the Barriers and Facilitators to Food Security that Influence Dietary Changes among Refugees, Thesis (McMaster University, Nov. 2014) [text]

The Association between Social Support and Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms in Relation to Treatment Change in Asylum Seekers and Refugees, Thesis (Utrecht University, July 2014) [text]

Cognitive Function and Traumatic Brain Injury in Refugees and Asylum-seekers Attending Mental Health Services: A Preliminary Study; and Clinical Research Portfolio, Dissertation (University of Glasgow, Oct. 2014) [text]

Psycho-social, Work, and Marital Adjustment of Older Middle-Aged Refugees from the Former Yugoslavia, Dissertation (University of Ottawa, Jan. 2014) [text]

The Refugee Experience: Involving Pre-migration, in Transit, and Post-migration Issues in Social Services, Thesis (St. Catherine University, May 2014) [text]

A Study of Self-efficacy in a Group of Hmong Refugees, Thesis (Smith College, Sept. 2014) [text]

Tagged Publications.

Thematic Focus: Conscientious Objection to Military Service


5th International Refugee Law Seminar Series: "The Protection of Conscientious Objectors and UNHCR's Role as a Norm Entrepreneur," London, 10 March 2015 [info]
- Free event but registration required.


"Asylum for Refusing to Fight: Charting the Development towards the Right to Conscientious Objection," King's Student Law Review, vol. 5, no. 1 (Spring 2014) [full-text]

"Claims for Refugee Protection in Canada by Selective Objectors: An Evolving Jurisprudence," Chapter 10 in When Soldiers Say No: Selective Conscientious Objection in the Modern Military (Ashgate, Jan. 2014) [info]

"Conscientious Objector can Claim Asylum Where War Crimes are Suspected," Public Interest Law Alliance Bulletin (Nov. 2014) [text]
- See also EDAL's case summary.

International Standards on Conscientious Objection to Military Service (Quaker United Nations Office, updated 2014) [text]

"Seen in Its True Light: Desertion as a Pure Political Crime," Refuge: Canada's Journal on Refugees, vol. 30, no. 2 (2014) [open access]

Related post:
- News: New Protection Guidelines on Military Service Claims (4 Dec. 2013)

Tagged Publications and Events & Opportunities. 

Thematic Focus: Human Trafficking


The UN Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) launched the 2014 edition of the Global Report on Trafficking in Persons today.  The report "covers 128 countries and provides an overview of patterns and flows of trafficking in persons at global, regional and national levels, based on trafficking cases detected between 2010 and 2012 (or more recent). The Global Report 2014 highlights the role of organized crime in trafficking in persons, and includes an analytical chapter on how traffickers operate. The worldwide response to trafficking in persons is also a focus of this edition of the Global Report."

The first Global Report mandated by the General Assembly was published in 2012.  UNODC and UN GIFT produced an initial report in 2009.


"Human Trafficking, Exploitation, and Displacement in Syria," Echoes from Syria, no. 6 (Nov. 2014) [text via ReliefWeb]

Monitoring Human Trafficking in Displaced Populations, Thesis (Pennsylvania State University, May 2014) [text]

Road to Hell: Discrimination to Migration to Trafficking of Women? (SSRN, Nov. 2014) [text]

"Stopped in the Traffic, not Stopping the Traffic: Gender, Asylum and Anti-trafficking Interventions in Serbia," Chapter 19 in The Routledge Handbook on Crime and International Migration (Routledge, Sept. 2014) [info]
- View extract in Google Books.

Related post:
- Thematic Focus: Human Trafficking (30 Oct. 2014)

Tagged Publications. 

21 November 2014

News: IRIN to Become Independent News Service

After much speculation about the future of IRIN, the humanitarian news service recently announced that it will become an independent non-profit based in Switzerland as of 1 January 2015.

For more information about how this will all came about, read:

  • "IRIN humanitarian news service saved after private donor fills UN void," The Guardian, 20 Nov. 2014 [text]
  • "UN to spin off IRIN humanitarian news agency," Financial Times, 20 Nov. 2014 [text]

You can also check out IRIN's transition web site and sign up for updates here.

Tagged Web Sites/Tools.

Regional Focus: Europe

Access to Protection: Bridges Not Walls (Italian Council for Refugees, Oct. 2014) [text]
- See also video of the recently held conference of the same name.

Assessing the Cost-effectiveness of Irregular Migration Control Policies in Greece (MIDAS Project, Oct. 2014) [access via Oppenheimer Chair]
- Follow link for report and policy paper.

"Effective Remedies as Capabilities: Toward a User Perspective to Human Rights of Migrants in Belgium," Human Rights & International Legal Discourse (Forthcoming, 2014) [eprint via SSRN]

Fundamental Rights at the EU’s Borders: FRA Reports Reveal Challenges Ahead (EU Agency for Fundamental Rights, Nov. 2014) [access]
- Follow link to access two reports, on fundamental rights at airports and land borders, respectively.

Integrating EU Defence and Migration Policies in the Mediterranean (FRIDE, Nov. 2014) [text]

Number of Eritreans Seeking Asylum in Europe Soars over Figures for Last Year (UNHCR, Nov. 2014) [text]

A Place of Sanctuary? Creating a Fair and Efficient Asylum System (Centre Forum, Nov. 2014) [text]

Related post:
- Regional Focus: Europe (12 Nov. 2014)

Tagged Publications.

Regional Focus: Australia

Asylum Seekers and Refugees: A Quick Guide to Key Parliamentary Library Publications (Parliamentary Library of Australia, Nov. 2014) [text]

Australian Government Assistance to Refugees: Fact versus Fiction (Parliamentary Library of Australia, Nov. 2014) [text]

Committee against Torture Considers the Report of Australia (OHCHR, Nov. 2014) [text]

"Constructing Voluntarism: Technologies of 'Intent Management' in Australian Border Controls," Chapter 1 in New Border and Citizenship Politics (Palgrave Macmillan, Oct. 2014) [full-text via SSRN]

Educational Expectations of Bhutanese Refugee Parents: Have They Been Met Post-settlement in Cairns, Far North Queensland? (Australian Policy Online, Nov. 2014) [text]

The Home Stretch: Challenges and Alternatives in Sustainable Housing for Refugees and Asylum Seekers (Refugee Council of Australia, Nov. 2014) [text]

ICC Asked to Investigate Australia’s Treatment of Asylum Seekers (Beyond the Hague Blog, Oct. 2014) [text]

"Our Boats, our People, our Knowledge" (Inside Story, Nov. 2014)

"Over the Borderline: A Critical Inquiry into the Geography of Territorial Excision and the Securitisation of the Australian Border," University of New South Wales Law Journal (Forthcoming, 2015) [preprint via SSRN]

Questioning the Queue: Blocking Protection to Asylum Seekers in Indonesia (Castan Centre Blog, Nov. 2014) [text]

Related post:
- Regional Focus: Australia (6 Nov. 2014)

Tagged Publications.

20 November 2014

New Issue of RSQ

The latest issue of Refugee Survey Quarterly (RSQ) has been published. Contents for vol. 33, no. 4, Dec. 2014 include:

  • The Multiple Geographies of Internal Displacement: The Case of Georgia [abstract]
  • Employment of Palestinian Refugee Women in Lebanon: Opportunities and Hurdles [abstract]
  • Refugees’ Transnational Mobility: A Study of Asylum Seeking in Hong Kong and Urban Thailand [abstract]
  • Protection Closer to Home? A Legal Case for Claiming Asylum at Embassies and Consulates [abstract]
  • Filling in the Gap: Refugee Returnees Deploy Higher Education Skills to Peacebuilding [abstract] [full-text via Academia.edu]

Tagged Periodicals.

Regional Focus: Syria


Call for Applications: Scholarship Programme for Syrian Refugees, German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) [info]
- Application deadline is 15 December 2014.


Barriers to Education for Syrian Refugee Children in Lebanon (UNHCR & REACH, Nov. 2014) [text via ReliefWeb]
- See also related presentation.

The Dramatic Plight of Syrian Refugees in Turkey (Global Research, Nov. 2014) [text]

"Quality of Life of Syrian Refugees Living in Camps in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq," PeerJ, 2:e670 [open access]

Struggling to Survive: Refugees from Syria in Turkey (Amnesty International, Nov. 2014) [text]

Turkey’s Policy toward Syrian Refugees: Domestic Repercussions and the Need for International Support, SWP Comments, no. 47 (Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik, Nov. 2014) [text via ReliefWeb]

Winterisation Assessment in Al Za'atari Refugee Camp in Jordan (UNHCR & REACH, Oct. 2014 [text]

Web site:

Syrian Refugees (Migration Policy Centre) [access]
- The content was recently updated.

Related post:
- Regional Focus: Syria (13 Nov. 2014)

Tagged Events & Opportunities, Publications and Web Sites/Tools.

Regional Focus: Americas, incl. Central American Unaccompanied Minors

"Asylum: Immigration Clinic Aids Ex-Gang Member Seeking Hope - Caught in the Crossfire," Maryland Carey Law Magazine, vol. 2014, no. 1 (2014) [full-text]

Declaration by Academia within the Framework of Cartagena +30: "Declaration on the Integral Protection of Refugees and Other Forced Migrants and for the Construction of an Effective Humanitarian Space," São Paulo, 31 Oct. 2014 [text]

DHS Announces Temporary Protected Status Designations for Liberia, Guinea, and Sierra Leone (U.S. Dept. of Homeland Security, Nov. 2014) [text]

"From Violence to More Violence in Central America," Forced Migration Review, no. 48 (Nov. 2014) [open access]

"Public Policy to Address Displacement in Mexico," Forced Migration Review, no. 48 (Nov. 2014) [open access]

Supreme Court of Canada: Article 1F(b) Excludes Individuals Who are not Fugitives from Justice (RefLaw, Nov. 2014) [text]

Unprotected, Unrecognized: Canadian Immigration Policy and Violence against Women, 2008-2013 (Migrant Mothers Project, Nov. 2014) [text]

Unaccompanied minors:

Actualizacion: Diagnóstico NacionaI sobre la Situación de Niños, Niñas y Adolescentes Migrantes No Acompañados en el Proceso Migratorio (UNICEF, March 2014) [text via ReliefWeb]

Arrancados de Raíz: Causas que Originan el Desplazamiento Transfronterizo de Niños, Niñas y Adolescentes No Acompañados y Separados de Centroamérica y su Necesidad de Protección Internacional (ACNUR, Nov. 2014) [text]
- See also related news story and Q&A.

In-Country Refugee/Parole Program for Minors in El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras with Parents Lawfully Present in the United States (U.S. Dept. of State, Nov. 2014) [text]
- See also related UpFront Blog post.

New Resources to Protect Honduran Children (Center for Gender & Refugee Studies, Nov. 2014) [text]

Unaccompanied Migrant Children from Central America: Context, Causes, and Responses, CLALS Working Paper Series, no. 7 (Center for Latin American & Latino Studies, Nov. 2014) [text via SSRN]

Related post:
- Regional Focus: Americas (10 Nov. 2014)

Tagged Publications. 

19 November 2014

Tip of the Week! Searchable Twitter Archive

Twitter has just launched a searchable archive of every tweet ever published.  It is free and open to the public. So even if you are not a Twitter user, you may still want to see if anyone has referenced your report or journal article.  Or you may decide it's time to clean house on some of those old tweets!  This Guardian article tells you how.

An advanced search option is available if you need help narrowing down your search results.

For a breakdown of the technical aspects involved, read this blog post.

Tagged Tips.

New Issue of FMR

The latest issue of Forced Migration Review (FMR) focuses on "Faith and Responses to Displacement." Here's the description for no. 48 (Nov. 2014):
"The role of faith in the humanitarian sector is not easy to measure. Faiths generally advocate welcoming the stranger and there are many organisations and individuals inspired by their faith or religion to provide protection and assistance. Yet it is easier to measure the activities inspired by faith than to measure the difference that having that faith makes, and secularly inspired standards for such activities can appear to be in tension with the faith inspiration."

This issue includes 36 articles in the special feature on "Faith" as well as seven "general" articles.

Tagged Periodicals.

Thematic Focus: Health

"Conflict and Forced Displacement: Human Migration, Human Rights, and the Science of Health," Nursing Research, vol. 63, no. 5 (Sept./Oct. 2014) [free full-text]

Conflict and Humanitarian Crisis in Iraq: Public Health Risk Assessment and Interventions (World Health Organization, Oct. 2014) [text via ReliefWeb]

Integration or Isolation? Mapping Social Connections and Well-being amongst Refugees in Glasgow (Queen Margaret Univ. & NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde, Nov. 2014 [text]
- See also related presentation.

"Mental Health Literacy of Resettled Iraqi Refugees in Australia: Knowledge about Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Beliefs about Helpfulness of Interventions," BMC Psychiatry, 14:320 (Nov. 2014) [open access]

"Psychological, Social and Welfare Interventions for Psychological Health and Well-being of Torture Survivors," Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2014, issue 11, art. no.: CD009317 [free full-text]

"Refugees and Health: Lessons from World War 1," The Lancet, vol. 384, no. 9955 (Nov. 2014) [free full-text]
- Freely available, but registration required.

"Screening for Infectious Diseases among Newly Arrived Migrants in EU/EEA Countries: Varying Practices but Consensus on the Utility of Screening," International Journal of Environmental Research & Public Health, vol. 11, no. 10 (Oct. 2014) [open access]

"A Transdiagnostic Community-based Mental Health Treatment for Comorbid Disorders: Development and Outcomes of a Randomized Controlled Trial among Burmese Refugees in Thailand," PLoS Medicine, vol. 11, no. 11: e1001757 (Nov. 2014) [open access]

Related post:
- Thematic Focus: Health, pt. 1 - General (7 Nov. 2014)

Tagged Publications. 

18 November 2014

Thematic Focus: Work/Economic Issues

Cheaper, Faster, Better? A Case Study of New Technologies in Cash Transfers from the Democratic Republic of Congo (Mercy Corps, Nov. 2014) [text via ReliefWeb]
- See also related guide.

Crypto-currencies and the Aid Industry (IRIN, Nov. 2014) [text]

Economic Strengthening for Child Protection & Education in Emergencies: Compendium of Evidence & Guidance (UNICEF et al., July 2014) [text via ReliefWeb]

Employer Attitudes towards Refugee Immigrants, IFN Working Paper, no. 1025 (Research Institute of Industrial Economics, 2014) [text via SSRN]

Evaluation of Oxfam GB's Cash for Rent Programme in Lebanon (OXFAM, March 2014) [text via ReliefWeb]

Minimum Wages and the Integration of Refugee Immigrants, IFN Working Paper, no. 1017 (Research Institute of Industrial Economics, 2014) [text via SSRN]

Recovery from Internal Displacement in Northern Uganda (SSRN, June 2014) [text]

South African Court Affirms Refugees’ Right to Self-Employment (RefLaw, Nov. 2014) [text]

Related post:
- Thematic Focus: Work/Economic Issues (29 Oct. 2014)

Tagged Publications. 

Thematic Focus: Humanitarian Assistance

Counter-terrorism Laws: What Aid Agencies Need to Know, Network Paper, no. 79 (HPN, Nov. 2014) [text]

The End of Aid: Does Foreign Aid Maintain Poverty? (IAI TV, Nov. 2014) [access]

Gender and Humanitarian Issues, Professional Development Reading Pack, no. 3 (GSDRC, 2014) [text via ReliefWeb]

Humanitarian Corridors: A Strategy Not Without Risks (RI Blog, Nov. 2014) [text]

Humanitarian Emergencies: An Innovative Funding Formula? (Global Views Blog, Oct. 2014) [text]

"Inter-Agency Working and Co-operation: Learning from Collaboration in the Humanitarian and Security Sector Space," Journal of Humanitarian Assistance (Oct. 2014) [full-text]

"Measuring Impact: A Cross-sectional Multi-stage Cluster Survey to Assess the Attainment of Durable Solutions in Post-tsunami Aceh, Indonesia," BMC Public Health, 14:1168 (Nov. 2014) [open access]
- See also related blog post.

"Medical Liability in Humanitarian Missions," Journal of Humanitarian Assistance (Nov. 2014) [full-text]

Related post:
- Thematic Focus: Humanitarian Assistance (24 Oct. 2014)

Tagged Publications.

17 November 2014

Thematic Focus: Statelessness


Kim v Russia: The Unlawful Detention of Stateless Persons in Immigration (ENS Blog, Oct. 2014) [text]

Litigating Strategically: Stateless Children Born in the EU (ENS Blog, Nov. 2014) [text]

Map: Every 10 Minutes, a Stateless Baby is Born (Washington Post's Worldviews Blog, Nov. 2014) [text]

"The New Unpeople: Statelessness as Punishment against Political Dissent in the Gulf," The Economist, 15 Nov. 2014 [text]

Out of the Shadows: The Treatment of Statelessness under International Law (Chatham House, Oct. 2014) [text]

"Proposal for an EU Directive on the Identification of Statelessness and the Protection of Stateless Persons," Rights in Exile Newsletter, no. 53 (Nov. 2014) [full-text]

Statelessness in West Africa (KORA Blog, Nov. 2014) [text]

Reactions to IACHR judgment and subsequent DR ruling (in chronological order):
- RFK Center Welcomes Landmark Ruling on Dominican Nationality in Inter-American Court (RFK Center, 23 Oct. 2014) [text]
- Inter-American Court Condemns Unprecedented Situation of Statelessness in the Dominican Republic (Statelessness Programme Blog, 27 Oct. 2014) [text]
- Ruling by Dominican Republic Constitutional Court Threatens Access to International Justice for Victims of Human Rights Violations (JRS USA, 6 Nov. 2014) [text]
- Flawed Ruling in the Dominican Republic Threatens Human Rights Protections (Open Society Foundations, 8 Nov. 2014) [text]

Source & other images
Responses to UNHCR's 10-year plan for ending statelessness:
- An Ambitious Plan to End Statelessness (IRIN, Nov. 2014) [text]
- Can We End Statelessness in a Decade? (Thomson Reuters Foundation, Nov. 2014) [access]
- Finding a Home for Stateless People is Easier Said than Done (The Conversation, Nov. 2014) [text]
- How Will the UNHCR’s Statelessness Campaign Affect Africa? (African Arguments Blog, Nov. 2014) [text]
- Why a Campaign to End Statelessness Matters (Inst. on Statelessness & Inclusion, Nov. 2014) [text]

UNHCR's statelessness research award recipients:
Helen Brunt
Georgetown Law Human Rights Institute Fact-Finding Project
Maria Jose Recalde Vela
Jason Tucker
Caia Vlieks

Web site:

Stateless Voices [access]
- Produces films depicting lives of stateless people in Europe and the U.S.

Related posts:
- News: UNHCR's Campaign to End Statelessness (3 Nov. 2014)
- Thematic Focus: Statelessness (23 Oct. 2014)

Tagged Publications and Web Sites/Tools.

Regional Focus: Asia Pacific

The 2014 Afghanistan Refugee and Returnee Overview (UNHCR, Oct. 2014) [text via ReliefWeb]

Evaluation of the First Year Refugee Law Enforcement: Analysis and Position Paper (Advocates for Public Interest Law, Oct. 2014?) [text]
- Assessment of South Korea's Refugee Act.

A Foreseeable Disaster in Burma: Forced Displacement in the Thilawa Special Economic Zone (Physicians for Human Rights, Nov. 2014) [text via ReliefWeb]

"Indonesia’s Asylum Hub," Refugee Transitions, no. 29 (Oct. 2014) [full-text]
- Scroll to pp. 59-63.

Myanmar: A Tipping Point for Rohingya Rights? (Refugees International, Nov. 2014) [text]

Protection and Security Concerns in South East Burma/Myanmar (Border Consortium, Nov. 2014) [text]

Seminar: Governing Refugees: Justice, Order and Legal Pluralism on the Thai-Burma Border [Book event], Oxford, 29 Oct. 2014 [info]
- Follow link for podcast.

Three Approaches to Gender in Humanitarian Aid: Findings from a Study of Humanitarian Aid to Refugees in Thailand and Bangladesh (Umeå University, 2014) [text]

A Volcano and its People (Inside Story, Sept. 2014) [text]

Related post:
- Regional Focus: Asia (30 Oct. 2014)

Tagged Publications.

Legal Events & Opportunities: November & December 2014


Seminar: "The Assessment of Protection Needs in Swedish Migration Courts: Tracing the Political Origin of the Court Reform in 2006," Melbourne, 18 November 2014 [info]
- No deadline indicated.

Launch of LLM in Immigration Law: "The Continuing Relevance of International Refugee Law in a Globalised World," London, 24 November 2014 [info]
- Booking deadline is 23 November 2014.

Panel Discussion & Documentary Screening: "Another of the Intransigent Ones: Sousa Mendes, Lawyer, Diplomat and Savior of 30,000 Wartime Refugees," New York, 24 November 2014 [info]
- No deadline indicated.

Panel Discussion: "Refugees, Law and the Courts," Toronto, 25 November 2014 [info]
- No deadline indicated.

Lecture: "Citizenship Deprivation and the Privilege to Have Rights," London, 1 December 2014 [info]
- Register by 27 November 2014.

Training: "International Refugee Law: Special Session for Permanent Mission Staff," Geneva, 3 December 2014 [info]
- Sign up by 28 November 2014.


Job: 2015 Judith Stronach Summer Fellowship, Center for Gender & Refugee Studies [info]
- Apply by 1 December 2014.

Workshop: "Sticky Citizenship: Imputing Citizenship to Asylum Seekers," London, 1 December 2014 [info]
- No deadline indicated.

Seminar: Cessation of Refugee Status, London, 4 December 2014 [info]
- No deadline indicated.

Meeting: "High Commissioner’s Dialogue on Protection Challenges," Geneva, 10-11 December 2014 [info]
- Follow link for tentative schedule; see also new background paper.

Tagged Events & Opportunities. 

14 November 2014

Thematic Focus: Law/Policy Items

The Application of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights to Asylum Procedural Law (ECRE & Dutch Council for Refugees, Oct. 2014) [text]

"Believable Victims: Asylum Credibility and the Struggle for Objectivity," Georgetown Journal of International Affairs, vol. 16, no. 1 (Forthcoming, 2015) [eprint via SSRN]

"The Buck Stops Here: Fundamental Rights Infringements can no Longer be Ignored when Transferring Asylum Seekers under Dublin II," Boston College International & Comparative Law Review, vol. 37, no. 3 (2014) [full-text]

The Nature and Scope of Protection under Article 3 of the ECHR in the Context of Immigration, Paper presented at the "World Congress of Constitutional Law 2014 - Constitutional Challenges: Global and Local," Oslo, 16-20 June 2014 [text]

New Approaches, Alternative Avenues and Means of Access to Asylum Procedures for Persons Seeking International Protection (European Parliament LIBE Committee, Oct. 2014) [text]

Refugee Protection Outside of the International Legal Framework: Expanding Cross-National & Cross-Disciplinary Collaborations, Evanston, IL, 27-28 May 2014 [access]
- Follow link for conference presentations and additional resources.

"Les relations entre le droit de l'extradition et le droit des réfugiés: étude de l'article 1F(b) de la Convention de Genève du 28 Juillet 1951 (The Relations between Extradition Law and Refugee Law: A Study of Article 1F(b) of the Geneva Convention of 28 July 1951)," Chapter in Asile et Extradition: Théorie et Pratique de l'Exclusion du Statut de Réfugié (Bruylant, Aug. 2014) [eprint via SSRN]

UNHCR Faces an RSD Crisis (RefLaw Blog, Nov. 2014) [text]

"Using the 1951 Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees to Protect People Fleeing Armed Conflict and Other Situations of Violence: Key Legal Challenges," Presentation at the Symposium on the Protection of Persons Fleeing Armed Conflict and Other Situations of Violence, Luxembourg, 20 Oct. 2014 [text]

Related post:
- Thematic Focus: Law/Policy Items (28 Oct. 2014)

Tagged Publications.

Thematic Focus: General


Global Appeal Update 2015 (UNHCR, Dec. 2014) [access]

Global Strategy for Settlement and Shelter: A UNHCR Strategy 2014-2018 (UNHCR, Nov. 2014) [text via ReliefWeb]
Government-sponsored Policy Research: Getting the Right Balance between Academic Quality and ‘Usefulness’ (Politics, Knowledge & Migration Blog, Oct. 2014) [text]

The Oxford Handbook of Refugee and Forced Migration Studies [Book launch], Oxford, 15 Oct. 2014 [info]
- Follow link for podcast.

Protracted Refugee Populations of the World at the Start of 2014 (Migration Policy Centre, Nov. 2014) [access]
- Follow link for map.

Report of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, UN Doc. No. A/69/12 (UN General Assembly, 2014) [text]
- See also related statements from UNHCR and ICRC; additional statements can be accessed via PaperSmart.

Why ‘Real’ Policy Impact is so Difficult to Evidence (Politics, Knowledge & Migration Blog, June 2014) [text]

Web sites:

Dynamic Analysis and Reporting Tool (DART) (Joint IDP Profiling Service) [access]
- "This tool is free for anyone to use but is especially designed to support programme managers and policy makers working in displacement settings, who can benefit from the easy and timely access to population data for evidence-based advocacy, programming and policy-making."

Solutions Alliance: Ending Displacement Together [access]
- Launched at the Copenhagen Roundtable, 2-3 April 2014, the "overall goal of the Solutions Alliance is to promote and enable the transition for displaced persons away from dependency towards increased resilience, self-reliance and development."  Recently held a side event at EXCOM.

Related post:
- Thematic Focus: General (21 Oct. 2014)

Tagged Publications and Web Sites/Tools.

New Issues of Intervention, JEMS, J. Immigr. & Minority Health, Migr. Stud., Refugee Trans., Rts. in Exile

Intervention: Journal of Mental Health and Psychosocial Support in Conflict Affected Areas, vol. 12, no. 3 (Nov. 2014) [contents]
- Features special section on "Rehabilitation Processes of Former Child Soldiers." The editorial introduction and "'I Can’t Go Home'. Forced migration and displacement following demobilisation: the complexity of reintegrating former child soldiers in Colombia" are both freely available.

Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, Latest Articles, 30 Oct. 2014 [access]
- Forthcoming special issue on "Deportation, Anxiety, Justice: New Ethnographic Perspectives." Note that 50 free full-text downloads are available for the first two articles via the a/m link.

Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health, vol. 16, no. 6 (Dec. 2014) [contents]
- Special focus on "Mental Health and Wellness." Includes several articles on Iraqi refugees and one on Afghan refugees.

Migration Studies, vol. 2, no. 3 (Nov. 2014) [free full-text]
- Mix of articles with several on irregular migration and one on human smuggling.

Refugee Transitions, no. 29 (Oct. 2014) [free full-text via BroCAP]
- Mix of articles, including two on Syrian refugees and asylum seekers in Indonesia.

Rights in Exile Newsletter, no. 53 (Nov. 2014) [full-text]
- News and information for refugee legal aid providers.

Tagged Periodicals.

13 November 2014

Regional Focus: MENA

2014 Annual Harrell-Bond Lecture: Forced Migration to the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan: Burden or Boon, Oxford, 5 Nov. 2014 [info]
- Follow link for podcast.

"A 'Historical Commitment'? Identity and Ideology in Israel's Attitude to the Refugee Convention 1951-4," The International History Review, Latest Articles, 26 Aug. 2014 [full-text via Hebrew Univ. of Jerusalem]

How Israel Hides its Asylum Seeker Problem (Forward Thinking Blog, Oct. 2014) [text]

Informing Targeted Host Community Programming in Lebanon: Preliminary Analysis for Sector Planning (OCHA & REACH, Oct. 2014) [text via ReliefWeb]

Learning in the Face of Adversity: The UNRWA Education Program for Palestine Refugees (World Bank, Oct. 2014) [text via ReliefWeb]
- See also related PRRN blog post.

Refugee or IDP: Does it Really Matter? (IRIN, Nov. 2014) [text]

The Socio-economic Conditions of Jordan’s Palestinian Camp Refugees (Fafo, 2014) [text]

Stateless Palestinian Refugees in Lebanon (Danish Immigration Service, Oct. 2014) [text via Refworld]

Technical Workshop on Durable Solutions for IDPs in Yemen (Govt. of Yemen, Aug. 2014) [text via ReliefWeb]

UNHCR Position on Returns to Libya (UNHCR, Nov. 2014) [text]

Waiting for Winter: Displaced Iraqis in the KRI (Refugees International, Oct. 2014) [text]

Related post:
- Regional Focus: MENA (27 Oct. 2014)

Tagged Publications. 

Regional Focus: Syria


Lecture: Killian Kleinschmidt, former UNHCR Camp Manager of Zaatari Camp, Washington, DC, 19 November 2014 [info]


Access to Education for Syrian Refugee Children in Zaatari Camp, Jordan (UNICEF & REACH, Nov. text via ReliefWeb]
2014) [

Conference on the Syrian Refugee Situation: Supporting Stability in the Region, Berlin, 28 Oct. 2014 [info]
- Follow link for conference documents.

Fight or Flight in Civil War? Evidence from Rebel-Controlled Syria (SSRN, Aug. 2014) [text]

No Escape: Civilians in Syria Struggle to Find Safety across Borders (NRC & IRC, Nov. 2014) [text via ReliefWeb]

Refugees from Syria (Cultural Orientation Resource Center, Nov. 2014) [access]

Syrian Arab Republic: 2015 Humanitarian Needs Overview (OCHA, Nov. 2014) [text]

*To Address the Syrian Refugee Crisis, the Development Community Must Seek Long-term Solutions (Georgetown Journal of International Affairs, Oct. 2014) [text]

What Would the Turkish Buffer Zone Mean for Syria’s Displaced? (Brookings-LSE Project on Internal Displacement, Nov. 2014) [text]


Related post:
- Regional Focus: Syria (28 Oct. 2014)

Tagged Publications and Events & Opportunities. 

12 November 2014

Regional Focus: Europe

Note: This is a re-post to highlight a couple of items that were added after the fact (marked with *).


*The ‘Lampedusa Dilemma’: Global Flows and Closed Borders, What Should Europe Do?, Florence, Italy, 17-18 November 2014 [info]
- Marks the launch of the new EUI Forum on Migration, Citizenship and Demography. Will be livestreamed.


"Asylum-seeking Migration, Identity-building and Social Cohesion: Policy-making vs. Social Action for Cultural Recognition," Contemporary Social Science: Journal of the Academy of Social Sciences, vol. 9, no. 3 (2014) [free full-text]

"Frontex, the Euro-Mediterranean Border and the Paradoxes of Humanitarian Rhetoric," South East European Journal of Political Science, vol. II, no. 3 (2014) [open access]

"Gender, Securitisation and Transit: Refugee Women and the Journey to the EU," Journal of Refugee Studies, vol. 27, no. 3 (Sept. 2014) [preprint via SSRN]

The Long-Term Integration of Gateway Protection Programme Refugees in Motherwell, North Lanarkshire (UWS-Oxfam Partnership, Oct. 2014) [text]

Mare Nostrum and Migrant Deaths: The Humanitarian Paradox at Europe’s Frontiers (openDemocracy, Oct. 2014) [text]

Migrants’ and Children’s Rights Need Better Protection in the Netherlands (Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights, Oct. 2014) [text]

Refugees on the Mediterranean: Violence and War are Driving Flows - not People Traffickers (Migrants' Rights Network Blog, Nov. 2014) [text]

Spain: Abandon Abusive Migration Plan (HRW et al., Oct. 2014) [text]

*A Tale of Two Cities: Melilla and Calais (COMPAS Blog, Nov. 2014) [text]

"Undocumented" Justice for Migrants in Italy: A Mission Report (International Commission of Jurists, Oct. 2014) [text]


Related post:
- Regional Focus: Europe, Indiv. Countries (28 Oct. 2014)

Tagged Publications.

Thematic Focus: ICTs

Communicating with Communities: A Case Study and Guide from Pakistan and Elsewhere (IOM & HAP, Sept. 2014) [text via ReliefWeb]

Hashtag Standards for Emergencies (OCHA, Oct. 2014) [text]
- See also related iRevolution blog post.

Humanitarianism in the Age of Cyber-warfare: Towards the Principled and Secure Use of Information in Humanitarian Emergencies, Occasional Policy Paper, no. 11 (OCHA, Oct. 2014) [text]

Kurdish Region of Northern Iraq: Humanitarian Information Needs of Syrian Refugees (International Media Support, Aug. 2014) [text via ReliefWeb]

"Migrants, Refugees and Mobility: How Useful are Information Communication Technologies in the First Phase of Resettlement?," Spaces and Flows: An International Journal of Urban and ExtraUrban Studies (Forthcoming, 2014) [eprint via Academia.edu] [earlier report]

"The Race to Save Lives: Demonstrating the Use of Social Media for Search and Rescue Operations," PLoS Currents: Disasters, Edition 1 (Nov. 2014) [open access]

Refugees & ICT (SINGA France, 2014) [access]
- Includes case studies on Canada, France and Kenya.

Social Networks and Online Media for Migration Scholars (Dissertation Reviews Blog, Nov. 2014) [text]

Related post:
- Thematic Focus: ICTs (10 Oct. 2014)

Tagged Publications.

11 November 2014

Events & Opportunities: December 2014

Note: I added two more opportunities to the Nov. post referenced below, so please be sure to revisit it!

Workshop: Sticky Citizenship: Imputing Citizenship to Asylum Seekers, London, 1 December 2014 [info]
- Free event but registration required.

International Conference on Migration in Africa, Cape Town, 3 December 2014 [info]
- Registration is ongoing.

Seminar: Cessation of Refugee Status, London, 4 December 2014 [info]
- Free event but registration required.

FY 2015 Funding Opportunity Announcement for NGO Programs Benefiting Refugees in Tanzania [info]
- Proposal submission deadline is 5 December 2014.

Health and Humanitarian Responses in Complex Emergencies, Oxford, 6-7 December 2014 [info]
- Maximum thirty spaces.

High Commissioner’s Dialogue on Protection Challenges, Geneva, 10-11 December 2014 [info]
- Tentative schedule now available.

CARFMS 2015 Student Essay Contest [info]
 - Submission deadline is 31 December 2014.

Related post:
- Events & Opportunities: Even More November 2014

Tagged Events & Opportunities.