02 May 2018

New Issues of AHMR, Anti-Traff. Rev., Cred Crunch, Global J. Peace Res. & Praxis, Hung. Yrbk. Intl. Law & Euro. Law, IJMBS, JEMS, J. Crit. Thought & Praxis, J. Educ. & Psych. Consult., J. Geront. Soc. Work, JID, J. Ref. & Glob. Health, J. Voc. Behav., MPP, New Int., Pub. Health, Rts. in Exile News

African Human Mobility Review, vol. 3, no. 3 (Sept.-Dec. 2017) [full-text]
- Mix of articles, including one on unaccompanied children in South Africa and one on solutions to cross-border displacement in West Africa.

Anti-Trafficking Review, no. 10 (2018) [open access]
- Theme is "Life after Trafficking."

Cred Crunch, no. 50 (March 2018) [full-text via ReliefWeb]
- Focus is on "Natural Disasters in 2017: Lower Mortality, Higher Cost."

Global Journal of Peace Research and Praxis, vol. 2, no. 1 (2018) [open access]
- Special issue on "Refugees: Discourses of Displacement, Conflict, & Peace."

Hungarian Yearbook of International Law and European Law (2017) [contents]
- Part 1 focuses on "Migration."

International Journal of Migration and Border Studies, vol. 4, nos. 1/2 (2018) [contents]
- Special issue on "Borders, (Dis)Order, and Exclusion: Mapping Migration Governance from the Margins."

Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, vol. 44, no. 6 (2018) [contents]
- Special issue on "Aspiration, Desire and the Drivers of Migration." The introduction is freely available, and three articles are open access.

Journal of Critical Thought and Praxis, vol. 7, no. 1 (2018) [open access]
- Issue theme is "Who Belongs? Immigrants, Refugees, Migrants and Actions Towards Justice."

Journal of Educational and Psychological Consultation, vol. 28, no. 1 (2018) [contents]
- Issue theme is "Refugee Teacher Consultation in Malaysia." Introduction is freely available.

Journal of Gerontological Social Work, vol. 61, no. 4 (2018) [contents]
- Includes "Special Section on Older Immigrants and Refugees." Introduction is freely available.

Journal of Internal Displacement, vol. 8, no. 1 (Jan. 2018) [open access]
- Create free account to access full-text.

Journal of Refugee & Global Health, vol. 1, no. 2 (2018) [open access]
- Mix of articles.

Journal of Vocational Behavior, vol. 105 (April 2018) [contents]
- Special issue on "Vocational Behavior of Refugees: How Do Refugees Seek Employment, Overcome Work-related Challenges, and Navigate Their Careers?"

Migration Policy Practice, vol. VII, no. 4 (Dec. 2017-Jan. 2018) [full-text]
- This special issue "includes abridged versions of selected chapters [from the World Migration Report] to highlight key information and analysis."

New Internationalist, no. 511 (April 2018) [full-text]
- Theme is "Who Cares? Humanitarianism under Attack."

Public Health, vol. 158 (May 2018) [contents]
- Special issue on "Migration: A Global Public Health Issue." Introduction is freely available and two articles are open access.

Rights in Exile Newsletter, no. 92 (May 2018) [full-text]
- News and information for refugee legal aid providers.

Tagged Periodicals.

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