29 May 2018

Thematic Focus: Health - Pt. 2 (Focus on Europe)

Journal articles:

"Antimicrobial Resistance among Migrants in Europe: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis," The Lancet Infectious Diseases, Online First, 17 May 2018 [open access]

"Assessment of Oral Health and Cost of Care for a Group of Refugees in Germany: A Cross-sectional Study," BMC Oral Health, 18:69 (April 2018) [open access]

"Asylum-seekers in Germany Differ from Regularly Insured in Their Morbidity, Utilizations and Costs of Care," PLoS ONE 13(5): e0197881 (May 2018) [open access]

"A Cross-sectional Investigation of the Health Needs of Asylum Seekers in a Refugee Clinic in Germany," BMC Family Practice, 19:64 (May 2018) [open access]

"How Effective are Approaches to Migrant Screening for Infectious Diseases in Europe? A Systematic Review," The Lancet Infectious Diseases, Online First, 16 May 2018 [free full-text]
- Note: This article is freely available, but requires registration.

"Immunization Offer Targeting Migrants: Policies and Practices in Italy," International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 15(5) (May 2018) [open access]

"Infectious Disease Profiles of Syrian and Eritrean Migrants Presenting in Europe: A Systematic Review," Travel Medicine and Infectious Disease, In Press, 24 April 2018 [open access]

Web site:

Resources for Professionals Caring for Asylum Seekers and Refugees (Liverpool John Moores University) [access]
- "The online resource hub aims to provide accessible and up-to-date information on the rights and well-being of asylum seekers and refugees. Its development was underpinned by a literature review and empirical research based on an action research approach."

Related post:
- Thematic Focus: Health - Pt. 1 (29 May 2018)

Tagged Publications and Web Sites/Tools.

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