02 October 2019

Admin: Update on Additional Changes

In the interest of ensuring that this information service remains viable, I have had to cut back on certain practices and discontinue various resources. Sadly, that list now includes my forced migration research guide. I launched it in 2008 on a wiki platform (I even wrote an article about it!). Unfortunately, I have not been able to devote the necessary time and effort to maintaining it over the past couple of years. In addition, the PBWorks platform that I was using has discontinued several features that used to be part of the free version.

That said, I have taken bits and pieces of the guide and moved them elsewhere, as follows:

- A portion of the FM Guide's introduction has been re-fashioned into a forced migration overview and added to this blog.

- Listings of journals/periodicals and reference materials have been added to newly created pages on the Forced Migration Library site.

- Also on the Forced Migration Library: Yearbooks and annual surveys available in full-text are now referenced on the Open Access Books page.

- The list of "other forced migration resources" on my FAQ has been updated and expanded with other references from the guide (e.g., statistical resources, networks, research collections, etc.).

So if you need a specific type of resource, use the Where Can I Find... directory to point you in the right direction!

Tagged Web Sites/Tools.

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