08 September 2022

Regional Focus: Europe - Pt. 2

New open access book:

Navigating the European Migration Regime: Male Migrants, Interrupted Journeys and Precarious Lives
(Bristol Univ. Press, Aug. 2022) [open access]
- "Amid the heavy politicisation and problematisation of male migrants in Europe, this ethnographic study casts new light on their experiences, struggles and everyday resistance. The author follows the journeys of those who seek, but have little hope of achieving, permanent residence status in European countries, tracking their successive migrations, detentions and deportations within and beyond the continent. She explores migrants’ tactics, the impact of precarity on their lives and the dual feelings of enduring hope and powerless vulnerability they experience."

Journal articles:

*"Assisted Voluntary Return & Reintegration Policies and Programmes in Four EU Countries: France, Germany, Italy and Spain," Italian Sociological Review, vol. 12, no. 2 (2022) [open access]

"A comparison of interpreters’ wellbeing and work-related characteristics in the care of refugees across different work settings," BMC Public Health, 22:1365 (Sept. 2022) [open access]
- Focuses on Germany.

"Judicial Interactions on the European Return Directive: Shifting Borders and the Constitutionalisation of Irregular Migration Governance," European Papers, vol. 7, no. 1 (2022) [open access]

Journal of Balkan and Near Eastern Studies, vol. 24, no. 3 (2022) [contents]
- Special issue on "Entangled Temporalities of Migration in the Western Balkans. Ethnographic Perspectives on (Im)-mobilities and Reception Governance."

"Print Rights with a Thousand Masks: Migrant Vulnerability, Resistance and Human Rights Law," Refuge: Canada's Journal on Refugees, vol. 38, no. 2 (2022) [open access]
- Focuses on The Netherlands.

"Waiting for what? Hope and endurance in situations of uncertainty for asylum-seekers in Greece," European Journal of Social Work, Latest Articles, 1 Sept. 2022 [open access]


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