30 September 2022

Round-up: OA Articles Published by Global South Authors (30 Sept. 2022)

This is a round-up of open access materials produced by authors based in the Global South (GS) and other geographic areas that are less well-represented in the domain of scholarly forced migration literature. Generally, articles are included if either the lead author or at least half of the co-authors are based in the GS. These references are organized by type of open access. The OA items herein were previously referenced on this blog as of 1 Sept. 2022.

Bronze OA:

"The African Union's Humanitarian Policies: A Closer Look at Africa's Regional Institutions and Practice," International Review of the Red Cross, FirstView, 7 Sept. 2022
- Author = Morocco

"Destination Substitution and Social Networks among Urban Refugees in Kampala, Uganda," African Human Mobility Review, vol. 8, no. 2 (May-Aug. 2022)
- Authors (2) = South Africa

"Returnees and the Dilemmas of (Un)sustainable Return and Reintegration in Somalia," African Human Mobility Review, vol. 8, no. 2 (May-Aug. 2022)
- Author = Kenya

Diamond OA:

"Expanding Non-Patient COVID-19 Data: Towards the FAIRification of Migrants' Data in Tunisia, Libya and Niger," Data Intelligence, Just Accepted, 18 Aug. 2022
- Authors (8) = Tunisia (3, incl. lead), The Netherlands (3), Niger (2)

- Author = South Africa

"Refugees in Malaysia: Protection Framework, Challenges, and Implications," Malaysian Journal of Syariah and Law, vol. 9, no. 2 (2021)
- Author = Malaysia

"Will the welcome ever run dry? Interrogating the hierarchy of human categories - The case of Ukrainian refugees in Europe," Quarterly on Refugee Problems – AWR Bulletin, vol. 61, no. 1 (2022)
- Authors (6) = South Africa (3, incl. lead), Germany (2), Poland (1)

Gold OA:

Note: Article processing charges (APCs) and other fees are indicated below; waivers are generally offered by gold OA journals but the waiver status of the authors listed below is unknown.

- Authors (4) = Bangladesh (2, incl. lead), UK (2)
- APC = USD 1190

"Economic Adaptation of Refugees in Algeria: A Comparative Study of Syrian and Malian Emigrants,"  Dirasat: Human and Social Sciences, vol. 49, no. 4 (2022)
- Authors = United Arab Emirates (lead), Algeria
- APC = USD 600

"How Can Humanitarian Services Provision during Mass Displacement Better Support Health Systems? An Exploratory Qualitative Study of Humanitarian Service Provider Perspectives in Cox's Bazar, Bangladesh," Journal of Migration and Health, vol. 6 (2022)
- Authors (9) = India (lead), Bangladesh (5), Singapore (1), Singapore/UK (2)
- APC = USD 1910

"The Human Toll and Humanitarian Crisis of the Russia-Ukraine War: The First 162 Days," BMJ Global Health, vol. 7, no. 9 (2022)
- Authors (19) = US (7, incl. lead), Pakistan (1), Ukraine (10), Australia (1)
- APC = GBP 3000 

"Quality of Life among Older Syrian Refugees in Jordan: Quantitative Study," Dirasat: Human and Social Sciences, vol. 49, no. 4 (2022)
- Authors (5) = Jordan (4, incl. lead), Spain (1)
- APC = JD 300 (for authors in Jordan)

"Pathways to Care: IDPs Seeking Health Support and Justice for Sexual and Gender-based Violence through Social Connections in Garowe and Kismayo, Somalia and South Kivu, DRC," Journal of Migration and Health, vol. 6 (2022)
- Authors (10) = UK (2, incl. lead), Somalia (4), DRC (4)
- APC = USD 1910

Hybrid OA:

Note: Article processing charges (APCs) are indicated below; waivers are not available for hybrid OA APCs.

"Predictors of Psychological Risk and Resilience among Syrian Refugee Children," Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, Early View, 12 July 2022
- Authors (8) = UK (3, incl. lead), Lebanon (5)
= APC = USD 4400

"Symbolic Refugee Protection: Explaining Latin America’s Liberal Refugee Laws," American Political Science Review, FirstView, 6 Sept. 2022
- Authors (2) = UK (lead), Peru
- APC = USD 3255


Migration in South America: IMISCOE Regional Reader (Springer, Aug. 2022)
- Editors (2) = Ecuador

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