23 September 2022

Thematic Focus: Solutions - Pt. 1

Blog posts & press:

Attitudes towards Ukrainian refugees and governmental responses in 8 European countries (ASILE Forum, Sept. 2022) [text]

"Australia Offers Community Resettlement Help for New Refugees," VOA News, 26 Aug. 2022 [text]

The Brass Tacks of Rebuilding US Leadership on Refugee Resettlement and Why It Matters (CGD Blog, Sept. 2022) [text]

IRAP Shares an Extensive Collection of Refugee Processing Documents Obtained Through FOIA (Refugee Rights, Aug. 2022) [text]
- Focuses on the US.

Martha’s Vineyard locals stepped up to help migrants. Biden can formalize that assistance across the country (Niskanen Center Blog, Sept. 2022) [text]
- Discusses sponsorship programmes.

More labels, less protection: A comparison of the Afghan and Ukraine protection schemes (RLI Blog, Sept. 2022) [text]

Most Americans express support for taking in refugees, but opinions vary by party and other factors (Pew Fact Tank, Sept. 2022) [text]

Philippines welcomes Rohingya refugees through complementary pathways programme (UNHCR, Sept. 2022) [text]

Refugee “baggage” does not include inclination to crime (Niskanen Center Blog, Sept. 2022) [text]
- Focuses on the US.

Research on Private Sponsorship models in six European countries (Resettlement Plus Blog, Sept. 2022) [text]

Welcoming refugees with private sponsorship (ImmigrationProf Blog, Sept. 2022) [text]
- See also related Immigration Impact blog post.

What the self-selection of Ukrainian refugees means for support in host countries (EUROPP Blog, Sept. 2022) [text]

Journal articles:

"'Promising victimhood': contrasting deservingness requirements in refugee resettlement," Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, Latest Articles, 9 Sept. 2022 [open access]
- Focuses on Europe.

"Returnees and the Dilemmas of (Un)sustainable Return and Reintegration in Somalia," African Human Mobility Review, vol. 8, no. 2 (May-Aug. 2022) [full-text]

"Understanding the relationship between social support and mental health of humanitarian migrants resettled in Australia," BMC Public Health, 22:1739 (Sept. 2022) [open access]


Resettlement Plus (Refugee Hub) [access]
- "Resettlement Plus is an online platform dedicated to collecting and sharing information about resettlement and other third country avenues to protection to a diverse audience. It shares research papers, reports, policy briefs, blogs and other resources with researchers, policymakers, and practitioners across the world. The platform houses resources about resettlement, community-based refugee sponsorship, and complementary pathways like family reunification, education pathways, and employment pathways. Resettlement Plus aims to share as much knowledge about different avenues for protection as we can to a wide audience, as accessibly as possible."

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