24 May 2024

Regional Focus: Europe - Pt. 2

New open access book:

Safe Access to Asylum in Europe: Normative Assessment of Safe Pathways to Protection in the Legal Context of the European Union
 (Nomos, May 2024) [open access]
- "There is no asylum without access to a State’s territory. At the same time, States prevent access to territorial asylum. The paradoxical interplay between the granting of territorial protection and the prevention of access to territory is framed as ‘asylum paradox’ in this book. It is the point of departure for analysing and assessing safe pathways to protection in the legal context of the European Union (EU). In the focus are the asylum visa, resettlement, ad hoc humanitarian admission and sponsorship schemes. The overall aim is to assess the normative effects of safe pathways on the asylum paradox... ."

Journal articles:

"Fragmentation of Hope through Tiny Acts of Bureaucratic Cruelty: Another Kind of War on Afghan People Seeking Asylum in Sweden," Refuge: Canada’s Journal on Refugees, vol. 39, no. 2 (2023) [open access]

"On the Right Side of History: How Memories of World War Two Nourish Subversive Humanitarianism," Nordic Journal of Migration Research, vol. 14, no. 3 (2024) [open access]
- Focuses on Norway.

"Policy diffusion across political ideologies: explaining Denmark’s desire to externalise asylum," West European Politics, Latest Articles, 20 May 2024 [open access]

"'This is silent murder': Are we medicalizing human distress caused by the reality of life as an asylum seeker in the UK?," Perspectives in Public Health, vol. 144, no. 3 (2024) [open access]

"'A Total Black Hole': How COVID-19 Increased Bureaucratic Violence Against Refugees in Greece," Refuge: Canada’s Journal on Refugees, vol. 39, no. 2 (2023) [open access]

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