30 May 2024

Thematic Focus: Work/Economic Aspects


Beyond Access: Refugees’ Rights and Justice at Work (NYU Center on International Cooperation, May 2024) [text]

The Effect of Ukrainian Refugees on the Local Labour Markets: The Case of Czechia, IZA Discussion Paper, no. 16965 (Institute of Labor Economics, April 2024) [text]

Inclusión económica y medios de vida para personas desplazadas por la fuerza: Informe 2023 (ACNUR, May 2024) [text]

Labour market reintegration of return migrant workers and former refugees in origin countries: Concepts and definitions (ILO, May 2024) [text]

The livelihoods of forcibly displaced persons (FDPs): a global evidence review (ODI, April 2024) [text]
- See also related policy brief and Somalia case study.

Migrants cost European governments less than their native-born citizens do (Leiden University, May 2024) [access]
- Follow link to access two working papers on the net fiscal position of migrants in Europe.

Refuge from Debt: How the global debt crisis fuels forced migration to New York (Oxfam, May 2024) [text]

Why and how multilateral development banks support improved outcomes for economic migrants and refugees (Center for Global Development & Refugees International, May 2024) [access]
- Follow the link for the report and related blot post.

Journal articles:

"The Jordan Compact, Refugee Labour and the Limits of Indicator-oriented Formalization," Development and Change, vol. 55, no. 2 (March 2024) [open access]

"Refugee entrepreneurship: A systematic literature review and future research agenda," European Management Journal, In Press, 27 March 2024 [open access]


U.S. Immigration Law and Policy for the 21st Century: Visualizing a System that Works for Employers, Workers, and the U.S. Economy, 15 April 2024 [access]

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