17 May 2024

Thematic Focus: Children & Families - Pt. 1

Short pieces:

Biden administration Seeks Change to Flores Agreement Protecting Migrant Children (ImmigrationProf Blog, May 2024) [text]

More than 50,000 unaccompanied child migrants missing in Europe (InfoMigrants, April 2024) [text]
- The relevant data are provided on the "Lost in Europe" website.

"The 'overlooked children' of boat arrivals have only known life in Australia. Now they could be deported under proposed migration laws," ABC News (Australia), 2 May 2024 [text]

Refugee youth-led organisations: The under-explored impact and potential (UNICEF, Dec. 2023) [text]

The under-examined role of refugee-led organisations: Assisting refugee children (UNICEF, Dec. 2023) [text]

To understand Trump's family separations, we must understand how Obama set the stage (Border Criminologies Blog, May 2024) [text]


Families belong together: Fixing the UK’s broken family reunion system (Refugee Council & Safe Passage International, May 2024) [text]

Healing Hands: A two-generation approach for migrant and host Community families in Ecuador (International Rescue Committee, May 2024) [text]
- Also available in Spanish. 

Research on Child Migration and Displacement in Latin America and the Caribbean: Understanding Evidence and Exploring Gaps (UNICEF, April 2024) [text]

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