23 December 2024

Regional Focus: Americas - Pt. 1

Short pieces:

"5 migration trends in the Americas to watch in 2025," Americas Migration Brief, 12 Dec. 2024 [text]

Cartagena+40: The Chile Declaration and Plan of Action consolidate regional leadership in the protection of refugees, displaced and stateless people (UNHCR, Dec. 2024) [text]
- The text of the Chile Declaration and Plan of Action is available here in English, Portuguese and Spanish. See also the HCR's opening and closing statements at the ministerial event and a history of the multi-stakeholder pledge that led to the new framework.

Central America and Mexico Commit to Strengthen Protection of Displaced People (OAS, Dec. 2024) [text]

Guest Opinion: “The Dominican Republic Must End Collective Deportations of Haitians” (International Detention Monitor Blog, Dec. 2024) [text]

Increased surveillance at the Canada-U.S. border means more asylum seekers could die (The Conversation, Dec. 2024) [text]

Trump’s demonization of asylum-seekers undermines global protections — will Canada be complicit?  (The Conversation, Dec. 2024) [text]

What is happening in Mexico? An overview of the situation for people on the move (NRC, Dec. 2024) [text]

**Visit the weekly Americas Migration Brief for a much more extensive round-up of news and publications.

New open access book:

Constructed Movements: Extraction and Resistance in Mexican Migrant Communities (Univ. of California Press, Nov. 2024) [open access]
- The author "chronicles how three interrelated dynamics—the maldistribution of public resources, the exploitation of migrant labor, and the US immigration enforcement regime—entrench the necessity of migration as a strategy for survival in Mexico. She also highlights the alternative visions elaborated by migrant community organizations that seek to end the conditions that force migration. Recognizing that reform without recompense will never right an unjust migratory system, Shah concludes with a forceful call for the US and Mexican governments to make abolitionist investments and reparative compensation to directly counteract this legacy of extraction."

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