International Settlement Canada (INSCAN), vol. 24, nos. 3-4 (Winter-Spring 2011) [contents]
- Lead article is "A Review of Immigrant Information Practices." Note: An archive for past issues of this newsletter is now available, with full-texts made available in both English and French.
- Lead article is "A Review of Immigrant Information Practices." Note: An archive for past issues of this newsletter is now available, with full-texts made available in both English and French.
Refuge: Canada's Periodical on Refugees, vol. 26, no. 2 (2009) [full-text]
- Theme is "No Borders as Practical Politics." Feature articles include "Stateless Citizenship and the Palestinian-Arabs in Israel, Borders," "Labour Impacts, and Union Responses: Case of Spain," "Borders of Solidarity: Life in Displacement in the Amazon Tri-Border Region," "Moving Beyond English as a
Requirement to 'Fit In': Considering Refugee and Migrant Education in South Australia," "Migrant Illegality, Nation Building, and the Politics of
Regularization in Canada," "Differential Criminalization under Operation Streamline: Challenges to Freedom of Movement and Humanitarian Aid Provision in
the Mexico-US Borderlands," "Negotiating Rights: The Politics of Local Integration," "Whose 'No Borders'? Achieving Border Liberalization for the Right
Reasons," "Residency Documents for All! Notes to Understand the Movement of Migrants in Barcelona." Other articles include "'I Have a Voice—Hear Me!' Findings of an Australian Study Examining the Resettlement and Integration Experience of Refugees and Migrants from the Horn of Africa in Australia," "Domestic Violence and Gender-Based Persecution: How Refugee Adjudicators Judge Women Seeking Refuge from Spousal Violence—and Why Reform Is Needed," "Un/Convention(al) Refugees: Contextualizing the Accounts of Refugees Facing Homophobic or Transphobic Persecution," "Siting Sudaneseness: Territory, Practice, and Identity in Aragi," "Refugees Who Arrive by Boat and Canada’s Commitment to the Refugee Convention: A Discursive Analysis," "Creating Higher Burdens: The Presumption of State Protection in Democratic Countries." One book review is also included.
Women's Asylum News, no. 101 (April 2011) [full-text via Refworld]
- Lead article is "Forced Marriage and Refugee Status."
The quarterly Newsletter on European Migration Issues (NEMIS) is issued to judges in Europe by Radboud University in Nijmegen to inform them what is happening at the EU and national level regarding EU immigration law. To receive copies, please email Tineke Strik at T.Strik@jur.ru.nl.
Women's Asylum News, no. 101 (April 2011) [full-text via Refworld]
- Lead article is "Forced Marriage and Refugee Status."
Humanitarian Exchange, no. 51 will be published in July 2011 and will explore "Humanitarianism in the Middle East." Please contact the HPN coordinator (hpn@odi.org.uk) if you are interested in writing for this issue.
The quarterly Newsletter on European Migration Issues (NEMIS) is issued to judges in Europe by Radboud University in Nijmegen to inform them what is happening at the EU and national level regarding EU immigration law. To receive copies, please email Tineke Strik at T.Strik@jur.ru.nl.
Tagged Periodicals and Events & Opportunities.
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