17 November 2011

Focus on the Balkans

A Ministerial Review Conference on Solving the Refugee Situation in the Western Balkans took place in Belgrade on 7 November 2011. The foreign ministers of Bosnia & Herzegovina, Croatia, Montenegro and Serbia signed a declaration "aimed at speeding solutions for 74,000 remaining refugees from the crisis of 1991-95 in this part of Europe." For more details, see UNHCR's briefing notes and press release. In addition, here is OSCE's statement,the EU's statement, and a note from the U.S. State Department.

Another event after the fact:

Conference on Provision of Civil Documentation and Birth Registration in South-Eastern Europe, Zagreb, 26-27 October 2011 [info] [Declaration]
- "The challenges pertaining to the provision of civil documentation and to birth registration have been for many years an issue affecting predominantly the Roma population in South-Eastern Europe. The problem became more prominent with the break-up of the former Yugoslavia as the new political reality altered the nationality status of some citizens of the former state, leaving them without citizenship or at risk of losing it due to the lack of proper documentation and of birth registration which immediate effect is affecting their social inclusion and preventing them from accessing their basic social and political rights."


Access to Free Legal Aid for Displaced Persons in the Western Balkans Countries: Overview of the Situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Serbia and Montenegro (Group 484, Nov. 2011) [text via ReliefWeb]

Access to Rights and Integration of Returnees on the Basis of the Readmission Agreements: Analysis of the Main Problems and Obstacles (Praxis, Aug. 2011) [text]

Assessment of the Needs of Internally Displaced Persons in Serbia (UNHCR et al., Feb. 2011) [text]

Legally Invisible Persons in Serbia: Still without a Solution (Praxis, June 2011) [text]

Only Genuine Justice Can Ensure Durable Peace in the Balkans (Human Rights Comment, Nov. 2011) [text]

Serbia as a Safe Third County: A Wrong Presumption (Hungarian Helsinki Committee, Sept. 2011) [text]

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