"Addressing Ethical and Methodological Challenges in Research with Refugee-background Young People: Reflections from the Field," Journal of Refugee Studies, vol. 26, no. 1 (March 2013) [abstract]
"Ethical Challenges in Mental Health Research among Internally Displaced People: Ethical Theory and Research Implementation," BMC Medical Ethics, 14: 13 (March 2013) [open access text]
"Ethical Considerations for Vaccination Programmes in Acute Humanitarian Emergencies," Bulletin of the World Health Organization, vol. 91, no. 4 (April 2013) [full-text]
"Exceptions to Blanket Anonymity for the Publication of Interviews with Refugees: African Refugees in Israel as a Case Study," Research Ethics, OnlineFirst, 20 March 2013 [abstract]
"Perfecting Imperfect Duties: The Institutionalisation of a Universal Right to Asylum," Journal of Political Philosophy, vol. 21, no. 1 [free full-text]
Past events:
"The Ethics and Politics of the Global Refugee Regime," Princeton, NJ, 14-16 March 2013 [info]
- Video of this event will eventually be made available via the Woodrow Wilson School web media site; papers presented at this conference are available online, including "The Appeal and Danger of a New Refugee Convention," "The Right of Return: Conceptualizing Claims," and "The Sources of Normativity in World Politics: Rethinking States' Obligations towards Refugees" (see also comments on the paper). Other papers can be found by searching on their titles (refer to programme).
- Links to some presentations/keynote speeches are now available via the programme.
Tagged Publications and Events & Opportunities.
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