11 March 2023

Thematic Focus: Sexual Orientation & Gender Identity


CFP: International Journal of Refugee Law [info]
- Contributions sought for a thematic issue on the "legal aspects of gender in refugee protection." Submit abstracts by 31 March 2023

Blog posts & press:

LGBTQI+ immigrants’ experiences of in/exclusion in the UK (Sussex Centre for Migration Research Blog, March 2023) [text]

LGBTIQ+ migrants and asylum seekers in South Africa: major new study identifies a diverse, wide-spread community (The Conversation, March 2023) [text]

To see or not to see – queer theory and the conceptualisation of the Convention grounds in refugee law (RLI Blog, March 2023) [text]


Country of Origin Information: Research Guide on LGBTIQ (EU Agency for Asylum, Feb. 2023) [text]

LGBTQI+ people's experiences of immigration detention: A pilot study (Rainbow Migration & Univ. of Brighton, Feb. 2023) [access]
- Focuses on the UK.

Menstrual Hygiene Management among LGBTI Refugees in Türkiye (UNFPA, Dec. 2022) [access via ReliefWeb]
- Follow link for report in English and Turkish.

Vulnerability Amplified: Assessing the Needs of LGBTI+ Refugees in South Africa (African LGBTQI+ Migration Research Network & African Centre for Migration and Society, Dec. 2022) [access]
- See also related post on The Conversation listed above.

 Journal articles:

"Fixed Categories vs. Fluid Identities: How are Queer Voices Silenced in the Theory and Practice of Asylum Law?," Oxford Monitor of Forced Migration, vol. 11, no. 1 (2023) [full-text]
- Scroll to p. 20.

"Moving across (Im)mobility categories: the importance of values, family and adaptation for migration," Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, vol. 49, no. 3 (2023) [open access]
- Draws "on the migration experiences of 17 self-identified Latin American gay individuals" in the Netherlands.

"Narrated Experiences of Sexual and Gender Minority Refugees: Resilience in the Context of Hardship from Pre-to Post-Migration," Nordic Journal of Migration Research, vol. 13, no. 1 (2023) [open access]
- Focuses on Sweden.

"Le poids des dispositions pour survivre et préparer les épreuves de l’asile. Enquête auprès des demandeurs d’asile homosexuels exclus du dispositif national d’accueil," Revue européenne des migrations internationales, vol. 39, no. 1 (2023) [delayed open access]
- Articles become open access after a year.

"Queer Global Displacement: Social Reproduction, Refugee Survival, and Organised Abandonment in Nairobi, Cape Town, and Paris," Antipode, Early View, 27 Feb. 2023 [open access]

"Utterly Unbelievable: The Discourse of ‘Fake’ SOGI Asylum Claims as a Form of Epistemic Injustice," International Journal of Refugee Law, Advance Articles, 1 Feb. 2023 [open access]

Book chapters

"Education Can’t Wait for LGBTIQ Refugees? Exploring Inclusion and Access to Higher Education in Kakuma Refugee Camp," Chapter in Migration, Displacement, and Higher Education: Now What? (Springer, 2023) [open access]

"'I am Myself': Queer Refugee Narratives," Chapter in The Routledge Handbook of Refugee Narratives (Routledge, 2023) [open access]

"LGBTQ+ Forced Migrants: Precarious Experiences of Arrival and Settlement in Wales," Chapter in Anxieties of Migration and Integration in Turbulent Times (Springer, 2023) [open access]

"Queer Refugee Homemaking: Lesbian and Gay Refugees' Oral Histories and Photovoice Narratives of Home," Chapter in The Routledge Handbook of Refugee Narratives (Routledge, 2023) [open access]

*"We Shall Overcome: A Case Study of the LGBT Asylum Task Force, a Parish Ministry," Chapter in Debating Religion and Forced Migration Entanglements (Springer, March 2023) [open access]


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