03 February 2012

ETDs in Education, International Development, Law, Nursing, Philosophy, Political Science

Borders, Migration, Agency: Re-Imagining Global Non-Citizenship in Irregularity, Dissertation submitted to the Faculty of Graduate Studies (McMaster University, Fall 2011) [text]

Conflict-Induced Displacement, Understanding the Causes of Flight, Dissertation submitted to the Department of Political Science (University of New Mexico, July 2011) [text]

Mind the Gap: Exposing the Protection Gaps in International Law for Environmentally Displaced Citizens of Small Island States, Thesis submitted to the Faculty of Graduate Studies (University of British Columbia, 2012) [text]

Minority Rights and Majority Interests: An Analysis of Development-Induced Displacement in the Narmada Valley, India, Thesis submitted to the Faculty of Social Sciences (University of Ottawa, Jan. 2012) [text]

Motherhood and Childbirth Experiences among Newcomer Women in Canada: A Critical Ethnographic Study, Dissertation submitted to the School of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies (University of Western Ontario, 2011) [text]

Réfugiés Climatiques: Statut et Traitement, Mémoire présenté à la Faculté des études supérieures (Université de Montréal, Mai 2011) [text]

Regard sur le Projet Migratoire et d’Intégration et sur le Processus Identitaire de Jeunes Réfugiés au Québec, Mémoire présenté à la Faculté des sciences de l’éducation (Université de Montréal, Mars 2011) [text]

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