03 October 2012

Multimedia Resources

Afghan Refugees and Returnees through the Eyes of Women on the Ground [access]
- Photo exhibit which will be shown in Geneva during the EXCOM sessions held this week.

Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea [access]
- Documentary that looks at the "circumstances and decisions that lead someone to become a 'boat person'."

Hamedullah: The Road Home [access]
- Documentary that follows an Afghan youth who sought protection in the UK, was placed in a detention center after he turned 18, then subsequently deported to Afghanistan.

How Gendered is Citizenship? A Teaching Resource [access]
- Video of roundtable debate.  Includes questions to guide classroom discussion.

How Much Further [access]
- A "film about the lives of refugees in Greece."

Leave to Remain [access]
- Film project that focuses on young unaccompanied asylum seekers in the UK is seeking support.

My Life as a Refugee [access]
- iPad/iPhone/Android app from UNHCR that "players contemplate the same life-changing decisions refugees make in a true-to-life quest to try to survive, reach safety, reunite with loved ones and re-start their lives."

The Plight of Internally Displaced Persons [access]
- Podcast from the Brookings-LSE Project on Internal Displacement.

Sons of the Clouds: The Last Colony = Hijos de las Nubes, la última colonia [access]
- Documentary focusing on the plight of the Saharawis.

A Stand in the Sinai [access]
- A documentary from the CNN Freedom Project that focuses on "Egypt’s Sinai Desert where people-smugglers abuse, rape and hold for ransom desperately poor refugees."

For similar resources, browse the label "audiovisual media" that I use to index blog posts when they include references to photo collections, videos or podcasts.

Tagged Web Sites/Tools. 

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