27 October 2017

Regional Focus: MENA, incl. Syria


Seminar: Diasporas as Soft Power in World Politics, Cairo, 30 October 2017 [info]


3RP Regional Refugee and Resilience Plan 2017-2018 in Response to the Syria Crisis (UNHCR, Oct. 2017) [reg. strategic overview] [2017 progress rpt.]

"An Anthropological Approach to Understanding Perceptions, Aspirations, and Behavior of Refugees, Practitioners, and Host Community Members in Jordan, Lebanon, and Turkey," Middle East Journal of Refugee Studies, vol. 2, no. 1 (Winter 2017) [open access]

Best Practices in Hosting Refugees (Center for Mediterranean Integration, Oct. 2017) [text via ReliefWeb]

Cash Transfers for Syrian Refugees in Jordan: Bridging the Gap between Short-term Assistance and Long-term Social and Economic Integration (Humanitarian Practice Network, July 2017) [text]

Examining the Protection of Migrants in Vulnerable Situations in the Contexts of Jordan and Lebanon (Mixed Migration Platform, Oct. 2017) [text]

Journal of Palestinian Refugee Studies, vol. 7, no. 2 (Autumn 2017) [full-text]
- "[T]he theme of this edition is to offer insight into the conditions of Palestinian refugees in Egypt and Iraq, which fall outside of the UNRWA mandate. A number of writers offer different takes on the situations of Palestinian refugees in those two countries, covering their history, living conditions, and the protection gaps they are forced to endure."

"Nation of Refugees Struggles with an Unwanted Group," Bloomberg News, 25 Oct. 2017 [text]

Parenting in Displacement: Adapting Vroom for Displaced Syrian Families (International Rescue Committee, Oct. 2017) [text via ReliefWeb]

Perceptions of Internally Displaced Persons: Northern Iraq (Mixed Migration Platform, Oct. 2017) [text]

Perceptions of Refugees: Northern Iraq (Mixed Migration Platform, Oct. 2017) [text]

Report of the Commissioner-General of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East, 1 January-31 December 2016, UN Doc. No. A/72/13 (UN General Assembly, May 2017) [text via Refworld]

Risk-Taking, Trust, and Traumatization among Syrian Refugees in Jordan: A Lab-in-the-Field Experiment (SSRN, Oct. 2017) [text]

"Why Jordan is Deporting Syrian Refugees," The Atlantic, 20 Oct. 2017 [text]

Why the Arab World Needs Better Data Literacy on Syrian Refugees (Refugees Deeply, Oct. 2017) [text]


Center for Migration & Refugee Studies Database [access]
-  Provides "a comprehensive location where migration and refugee research material (especially, but not exclusively) on the Middle East region is compiled. This database aims to facilitate research by bringing together legal authorities (international treaties, regional agreements and national legislation), analytical sources and academic publications and statistical figures in one location to be accessed by researchers with interest in this field of study."

Related post:
- Regional MENA, incl. Syria (16 Oct. 2017)

Tagged Publications and Events & Opportunities.

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