09 February 2018

Thematic Focus: Global Compact on Refugees Round-up

Requests for feedback:

The zero draft of the Global Compact on Refugees was released on 31 January 2018. If you have comments/reactions to share, you can submit them to:

Forced Migration Forum:
- The blog's authors are inviting comments to be posted.
- To read those that have already been posted and/or contribute your own, go to: Zero Draft of the Global Compact on Refugees Released: Discussion

Refugees Deeply:
- They have posted a brief questionnaire, and hope to use answers in an upcoming article.
- To contribute, go to: How Transformative is the Zero Draft of the Global Refugee Compact?

- Written contributions continue to be accepted and posted on UNHCR's web site.
- To contribute, go to: Towards a Global Compact on Refugees: Written Contributions

Other commentary:

Are the Global Compacts on Refugees and for Migration Addressing Statelessness Appropriately? (ENS Blog, Feb. 2018) [text]

*Expert Views: How Promising is the Global Refugee Compact Zero Draft? (Refugees Deeply, Feb. 2018) [text]

The Global Compact for Refugees - Bringing Mayors to the Table: Why and How, Policy Brief (Brookings Institution, Jan. 2018) [text]

Global Compact on Refugees: Positive Vision Lacking Concrete Engagement (ECRE, Feb. 2018) [text]

The International Rescue Committee’s Perspective on the Zero Draft of the Global Compact for Refugees (IRC, Feb. 2018) [text]

Q&A: Hoping for an 'Ambitious, Far-reaching, Bold' UN Refugee Compact (Devex, Feb. 2018) [text]

UNHCR re-organization:

This is from ICVA's Jan. 2018 Bulletin:

"UNHCR announced a few changes in the HQ organigram, particularly:
- The creation of a Division of Resilience and Solutions, led by Mr. Daniel Endres, including a Service working on the Comprehensive Refugee Response Framework and a Service geared towards partnerships and strategies with development actors and inclusion.
- The Governance Service, led by Mr. Johan Cels, will become part of the Executive Office and will steer consultations with member states on the Global Compact on Refugees.
- Mr. Volker Türk, Assistant High Commissioner for Protection, will supervise the Service's consultations with Member States on the Global Compact on Refugees and the new Division of Resilience and Solutions."


Related posts:
- News: "Zero Draft" of Global Compact on Refugees (31 Jan. 2018)
- Thematic Focus: Global Compacts Round-up (25 Jan. 2018)

Tagged Publications and Events & Opportunities.

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