Global Study on Smuggling of Migrants 2018 (UN Office on Drugs and Crime, June 2018) [access]
- "[S]hows that migrant smuggling routes affect every part of the world. The study is based on an extensive review of existing data and literature. It presents detailed information about key smuggling routes, such as the magnitude, the profiles of smugglers and smuggled migrants, the modus operandi of smugglers and the risks that smuggled migrants face."
Trafficking in Persons Report 2018 (U.S. Dept. of State, June 2018) [access]
- "The report currently provides country-specific narratives for 187 countries and territories, including the United States, and places them on one of four tiers, reflecting the extent to which the government meets the minimum standards for the elimination of trafficking, as required by the Trafficking Victims Protection Act, or TVPA, the U.S. law that created the report. ..." The theme of this year's report is "Local Solutions to a Global Problem: Supporting Communities in the Fight Against Human Trafficking."
Other publications:
Addressing the Humanitarian Consequences of Labour Migration and Trafficking: The Role of Asia Pacific National Societies (IFRC, June 2018) [text via ReliefWeb]
Criminalizing Migrants Who Steer the Dinghies in the Mediterranean: A Collateral Effect of Migration Management?, EUI Working Paper, no. RSCAS 2018/32 (European Univ. Institute, June 2018) [text]
"High Risk, High Return: How Europe's Policies Play into the Hands of People-smugglers," The Guardian, 20 June 2018 [text]
Human Smuggling and Intentions to Migrate: Global Evidence from a Supply Shock Along Africa-to-Europe Migration Routes, Development Studies Working Paper, no. 432 (Centro Studi Luca d'Agliano, Dec. 2017; posted May 2018) [text via SSRN]
Human Trafficking in Humanitarian Crises (UN-TOC Watch Blog, June 2018) [text]
L'identificazione delle Vittime di Tratta tra i Richiedenti Protezione Internazionale e Procedure di Referra (UNHCR & Ministero dell’Interno, Aug. 2017) [text]
Migrant Smuggling Data and Research: A Global Review of the Emerging Evidence Base, vol. 2 (IOM, 2018) [text]
- Note: Volume 1 is here.
Migrant Smuggling to Canada: An Enquiry into Vulnerability and Irregularity through Migrant Stories (IOM & Samuel Hall, 2018) [text]
Mixed Migration Routes and Dynamics in Libya: The Impact of EU Migration Measures on Mixed Migration in Libya (REACH & UNHCR, April 2018) [access]

"What It Costs to be Smuggled across the U.S. Border," New York Times, 30 June 2018 [text]
Why Libyans are Turning to Smugglers to Escape (Refugees Deeply, July 2018) [text]
Related post:
- Thematic Focus: Human Trafficking & Smuggling (4 May 2018)
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